English corner-wait for flowers to bloom

English corner-wait for flowers to bloom

2024-01-17    11'14''

主播: CTBU校园之声

2519 15

浮光流转,风云变幻,浩浩荡荡的历史进程中,我们踏着时代浪潮留下深浅足印,但成长是一场曲折前进的奔跑,我们要做的便是种下希望,守护内心一方净土,在汗与泪的交织中静待花开。 In the historical process of floating light, changing, we follow the tide of The Times, but growth is a tortuous running forward, what we have to do is to plant hope, protect the pure land of the heart, waiting for flowers in the interweaving of sweat and tears。 If you have anything wanna share with us or talk with us, you shall leave your message without hesitation. Have a nice dream! 如果你有任何想要分享之事或想要与我们深入交流,你都可以在评论区毫不犹豫留下你宝贵的建议,哪怕只是只言片语。祝好! Hostess:付雨婷 Editor:付雨婷 Executive producer:付天昊