English Corner——Certain Knowledge Points from Ancient Roman and Greek Mythology

English Corner——Certain Knowledge Points from Ancient Roman and Greek Mythology

2019-03-24    08'00''

主播: CTBU校园之声

1404 7

This week we are looking at idioms in the English language related to Greek and Roman mythology. A lot of these are used quite often in English. It’s similar to Chinese set phrases I suppose. Just because it’s a huge part of our culture, that for many people, we don’t even necessarily question where they come from. So we gonna guide you into the mysterious world of ancient Greek mythology. 本周我们将把注意力都瞄到古希腊神话中的习语上。就像中国的成语一样,这些习语会经常被应用到英美文化中。正因为习语在任何一种文化中都占有很大比重,但又考虑到很多人不了解其真正出处,所以我们将带领大家漫游在奥妙的古希腊的神话世界。 If you have anything wanna share with us or talk with us,you shall leave your messages without hesitation.Have a nice day! 如果有任何想分享之事又或是想与我们深入交往,你都可以在评论区毫不犹豫地留下你珍贵的、哪怕仅仅是只言片语。天天开心哟~ Staff Host: Peter (陈旌儒) Hostess: Eurus(潘咏秋) Editor: 胡琼婧 李鑫 陈旌儒 潘咏秋 Executive Producer: 金潇 BGM: 1. DryJo - Mr. Chillman 2. hisohkah - cherry blossom scatter 3. aqualina – reminisce 4. wünsche - Birds