English Corner——What is the experience of not being good at English

English Corner——What is the experience of not being good at English

2019-09-15    13'29''

主播: CTBU校园之声

1374 11

English Corner——What is the experience of not being good at English In fact, there are many people around me who are not good at English. It is really makes them feel headache. But this is actually a normal state. If you have anything wanna share with us or talk with us,you shall leave your messages without hesitation.Have a sweat dream! 如果有任何想分享之事又或是想与我们深入交往,你都可以在评论区毫不犹豫地留下你珍贵的、哪怕仅仅是只言片语。好梦! Staff Hostess: Eurus(潘咏秋) Editor: 潘咏秋 Executive Producer: 徐蓓 陈旌儒