闲居日记: Shopping Hoarding Trashing 跟谁学

闲居日记: Shopping Hoarding Trashing 跟谁学

2016-11-18    16'18''

主播: 海威英语101

982 17

双十一当天出手够大气的吧 囤够了一整年的货了吧 现在土吃得愉快吧 赶紧学一些基本的网购英语赎罪 闲鱼 idle fish, books read, not intend to reread them, hate to dump/discard扔掉, the cleaning ayi, a waste, disrespect for their value resell them on Xianyu, problem: pencil marks, notes, transcribe誊写, take photo, answer comments, haggling讨价还价!!!write delivery forms快递单, TIME COST时间成本 a better idea: give them out as gifts to my fans!!! my gratitude感激, also, books will be in needed hands! value realized/appreciated价值得到体现 lessons: time cost!!! don’t buy stuff, double 11th: hand-chopping剁手! rational理性的!!! don’t hoard!!! just bought a pair of leather shoes, some dehumidifying beads除湿剂 gen shui xue跟谁学: want to fine tennis/swim/erhu/calligraphy书法/French teacher, professional ones, nearby, or online, don’t want to commit oneself投入到 half-year long courses at training academies培训机构, make a post, teachers will contact you, professional ones, qualified有资历的 it‘s No.1 edu O2O company, can post发布recruitment ads招生广告for my one-on-one class一对一课程, record a video class and charge viewers for watching, most awesomely, live class!!! it’s a challenge but also gonna be fun! super prepared for it. I will continue making shows on lizhi, but I need to find students to make a living, so plz support me by scanning the QR code扫描二维码 and register my FIRST live class, dont have to attend if you dont have time