2020年1月雅思口语7分答案Part1 Countryside 乡下农村

2020年1月雅思口语7分答案Part1 Countryside 乡下农村

2020-01-11    06'10''

主播: 海威英语101

187 1

全套雅思口语答案,t宝搜索“海威英语101”,凭券减100 介绍: 2019年9-12月雅思口语题库逐一讲解,答题思路拓展,6分7分答案全示范,得分点逐一解析。本集回答P1新题countryside Part1. Countryside Have you ever lived in the countryside? 你在农村住过吗? 是的,但时间很短。小时候,我每年都在爷爷奶奶家过暑假。他们住在浙江省的农村。 Yes, but only very shortly. When I was little, I used to spend the summer holiday at my grandparents’ home every year. They live in a remote village in Zhejiang Province. Do you enjoy living in the countryside? 你喜欢住在乡下吗? 6分版 Yes, indeed. The countryside is so quiet that I don’t hear the constant noise from traffic, and the air is so fresh. The best thing is that I can eat fresh food picked from the vegetable garden, like eggplant, cucumber and tomatoes. It feels like a different world. 7分版 当然咯。乡下超安静,我听不到车辆不断的噪音,也听不到街头小店的大喇叭,空气还很新鲜。农村最大的吸引力是.... Absolutely. The countryside is super quiet. I mean, I don’t hear the constant noise from traffic.... 提示: 如果想要本期音频的完整文稿,请关注WX公众号“海威英语101” 在“资料下载”栏索取。