

2022-06-07    08'40''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Side Hustle. If you have been following English language media in the past few years, you have definitely seen this expression. So Side Hustle, “Side” means on the side; “Hustle” here simply means work or a job. So simply put a Side Hustle is work you do on the side of your regular job to make additional income. 说白了, 在你主业工作之外所有你做的这些搞钱的副业, 都可以叫做Side Hustle. Some people might say, isn't that just a part time job? It is and it isn't. The way people define Side Hustle tends to vary, but to most, it involves some type of self-employment as opposed to a traditional second job. Side Hustle和普通的***还是有点不一样的, 它通常更倾向于是self-employment, you are your own boss, such as freelance gigs. 比如说自由职业的一些工作, or an entrepreneurial endeavor或者干脆是自主创业. One great thing about Side Hustles is that they often serve as an opportunity for people to pursue something they’re interested in or passionate about. But perhaps the greatest reason more and more people are starting a Side Hustle comes down to the financial security it can provide. Although this word has been very popular in the past few years, the expression Side Hustle was actually first used in 1950. 其实从50年代就开始出现的这个Side Hustle并不是一个新词, but the term became popular during and after the last recession when traditional jobs disappeared and enterprising people had to make ends meet. 但是它的爆火则是因为上一次经济萧条期, 传统的工作机会越来越少, 所以很多人都不得不开始研究副业搞钱这条路. So what are some of the typical examples of Side Hustles? For example, you can set up a store and start selling clothes and other things online; you can launch your own social media account for profit on YouTube or on Bilibili, TikTok; you can make and sell handicrafts; you can teach online courses, offer photography services; or you might be doing some freelance creative work including writing, illustration, graphic design. 常见的Side Hustle包括开网店/做自媒体/售卖自己做的手工艺品/教授网上课程/做写手插画师…等等自由职业. The reason why so many people are engaged in Side Hustles is because there are obvious benefits. A Side Hustle can offer you the opportunity to explore your passions or pursue your dream job without sacrificing the steady pay check of a day job. 一个好的副业可以让你既不牺牲平时工作的稳定, 又能去追求自己的梦想. Not only does a Side Hustle provide an injection of extra cash flow to your bank account, it can also help to boost overall life satisfaction. 而且用副业就能搞到钱补贴家用, 也会提升你的生活质量. Another benefit of having a Side Hustle is that they allow for flexibility in workplace and work hours. Often Side Hustles are solopreneurial or entrepreneurial endeavors. 很多人喜欢副业其实是因为它的flexibility, 灵活性, 因为很多人在副业里自己不是个entrepreneur创业者, 就是solopreneur单打独斗的创业者. And when you're the boss, you get to decide everything, call the shots-including when and for how long you’ll work. This can be really appealing to those who feel trapped by a traditional 9-to-5 job. 仅凭这一点Side Hustle就能吸引很多已经过惯了朝九晚五的人. On Top of that, Side Hustle typically does not require a large financial investment upfront. 它的另外一个好处就是和真正抛家舍业的创业不一样, Side Hustle通常不需要a large financial investment upfront一开始就投入一大笔资金. It can be as simple as you create something and you try to sell it online. If you're good enough, you can easily sell ideas and knowledge you already have. While there are plenty of pros to having a Side Hustle, that's not to say there aren't a lot of things to consider before diving in. 说了这么多好处Side Hustle可不是人人都能一闭眼就开干的. There are many things to consider, one major consideration before taking on a Side Hustle is the potential conflict with your day job, some companies have policies that prohibit moonlighting.... 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~