

2022-07-05    11'08''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】获取全文稿哦~ Another thing that is quite important about reading literature is to really train your critical thinking skills. Because in these stories, nothing is just black or white. You don't have one person who is definitely the villain, or one person who's definitely the hero. These stories, these books, they represent the complexities of human life. 对, 人性很复杂的, 其实有时候我觉得挺遗憾的就是 Now you see sometimes the stories are so simplified. It's like when you look at one character and you say he's a bad person, so everything about him is bad. Literature should not be like that. Every character, good characters, good books should really be round, they should have different aspects about them. 就是说经典的文学里面, 所有的角色应该是比较复杂的, 全面的这样有血有肉的角色, 而不只是一个扁平化的脸谱型的角色。 Hm. So now you might ask there are actually many of these courses, like reading courses, 其实市面上还有很多这种什么名著, 包括某一本书这样的课程. Why is our course a bit different? I would say first of all, we don't just have the regular classics like Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, which I'm sure you've all read, and they are all great books. Don't get me wrong. 就是我们选书的时候首先没有选那种就是说在中国读者这边就已经被说烂了的, 比如说什么 Jane Eyre, I’ve actually never read Jane Eyre. Neither do I. And personally, I’m not that crazy about Jane Austen or about Bronte Sisters because they've just been talked about so much. So what we want to do with this course is we want to introduce some books, they're pretty much known by everyone in the English speaking world, even if they’ve not read them, but they're known about, but they're not necessarily the most famous books here in China. 我们最开始在选择【英文名著扫盲班】第一季这10本书的书单的时候, 我跟安澜讨论了很久, 就找了一些这种在中国并不是大红大紫的, 或者被讨论了很多年的这种书, 但是这10本书又确实是在所有的英语世界的榜单里面都是在很前面的。 Usually top 10, top 20. Yep, and also our rule of thumb is if they are constantly referenced or parodied in TV shows or movies, then they're on the list. 还有一个就是经常会在英语国家的电视电影, 包括动画作品里面, 如果你经常能听到 cultural reference对它们的一些玩梗, 包括reference and parody恶搞, then they are on the list, because they are that popular. But we’ve also chosen stories and books that are quite varied in their themes or styles or genres. Because people are very different, right?One person might like reading this type of stories, another person might prefer something completely different. Yep. I have to admit there's one or two books on our list that probably not my favorites. We have our differences. Exactly. But we talk about books like To Kill a Mocking Bird, and we discuss racism and the background of the Civil Rights Movement; we also talk about Catcher in the Rye, and books that have been banned in schools. 《麦田里的守望者》就是禁书的榜首这样的书, 还有刚才安澜说了To Kill a Mocking Bird,《杀死一只知更鸟》会谈到种族冲突和平权的运动. And also 安澜has chosen personally Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Yes, that's actually one of my favorite books, but again very well known, it was originally a radio show, that has been made into a TV show and it's been made into a film as well. It has been parodied a lot, and you do see it as pop cultural references. It is science fiction. And it's totally absurd. It's essentially as a comedy. And also that, we know a lot of our listeners are students, you might be university students or even high school students. So you're just transitioning into your adulthood, you're becoming an adult. So we've also chosen a couple of the coming of age stories like Lord of the Flies, Little Women. And Treasure Island. 比如说我们还专门找了几本这种成长型的coming of age stories, 比如说《蝇王》或者说《小妇人》, 包括安澜说的《金银岛》, they are all touching upon the coming of age theme.