

2022-07-22    20'11''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~ Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the show. If I ask you to imagine Italy, what pops up in your mind first, grand architecture, breathtaking landscape, gorgeous people, or exquisite cuisine? And now imagine you're appreciating the ancient architecture, chatting with people, and enjoying the food, still something is missing, it is that special bubbly drink that is quintessentially Italian, Prosecco. In this four-episode series, financed by the Prosecco DOC Consortium, according to EU regulation, we are going to embark on a fascinating journey into the world of Prosecco. 跟着酒馆一起来趟意大利文化之旅, 打开意大利国民起泡酒Prosecco的世界. So first things first, what is Prosecco to Italians? -To me, Prosecco is all about music, parties, and friends. -Prosecco symbolize joy, victory, and celebration. -For me, Prosecco means weekends and holidays. -Prosecco is a relaxing moment in my garden at the end of the day. To understand this bestselling sparkling wine in the world, we’re honored to have a special guest in our studio today. Miss Tanya Barattin from the Prosecco DOC Consortium to share with us all about this beautiful and quintessentially Italian wine Prosecco. Welcome to the show, Tanya. Hello, thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here with you today. Great. I know that you work with Prosecco from an expert’s point of view, but for our listeners a lot of them probably don't really know that much about Proseccos, some of them probably have never heard of Prosecco, so first things first, what is Prosecco? Yeah, we can say that Prosecco is the worldwide leading Italian sparkling wine, a representation of Italian excellence, coming from a specific territory located in Northeast side of Italy, switching between two beautiful regions which are Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia. Italians had a long history of making Prosecco. Yes. So when was Prosecco first made going back in history? If we look to the nowadays areas of production which is represented by these nine provinces between these two beautiful regions in Northeast of Italy, we found first wine production since the Roman Empire, so very long time ago. Wow. But the first, we can say oral mention about wine sounding Prosecco goes back to the 1382, and were in the most Northeast side of the region in Trieste province. That time some historical people, wine studying, Plinio, a Naturalis historia study of Plinio il Vecchio found this wine called ‘Pucino’, and they think that was the ancient name of Prosecco. (Prosecco Wine: History, Information, Interesting Facts - WebFoodCulture) That was the original. Yes. First we can say oral mention, because for the first written mention, we have to go back to the 1745, and we moved to the most West side of the area of production near Vicenza; and there was a poet, Aureliano Acanti wrote about Prosecco in a very shining way in the poem “Il Roccolo”. There are many vineyards in that region, right?Many people are actually involved in the Prosecco… Yes, exactly, especially in Treviso province because if we talk about when we started to produce Prosecco in a sparkling version, like we know it nowadays, we have to go back to the 1850, in Treviso, in the beautiful Conegliano, where was found the most historical Italian oenology school, it was the 1876 more or less, for the first time was applied to second fermentation, so the bubbling process to Glera grapes in order to make Prosecco. I see. But if we look to nowadays, Prosecco is made by a very big family because especially the DOC is represented by more than 12,000 grape lords, so the one that the cultivated grapes; 1,200 wine makers, the one that takes care to the base wine, production; and 360 sparkling houses, so the one that takes care of the bubbling, so the second fermentation and bottling.