

2022-08-11    16'45''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~ Lovely, and I am really curious because ice cream business sounds so sweet and exciting. And when you're testing the market, for example, if you want to promote a new flavor, do you actually have focus group and invite people to taste it and see how they feel about it? First of all, Dlight is a company which is now nearly 17 years old. We have I would say very dedicate palate like for example my Chinese partner Queency Wang has a very, very delicate palate. She will be one of the persons will definitely decide if an ice cream is good or not. So basically, the first thing we will do is that we will make sure that the ice cream that we want to create is to the level of quality we are looking for. Dlight as a true identity, we are not trying to copy what the others are doing. We are basically very little interested. Why? Because we want to give an experience to our customer. This experience we wanted to be absolutely unique. So to give something unique to the customer, you need to give something you believe in, we believe into absolute quality into what we are doing in terms of ice cream. And also because we are working with the B2B market, we have the chance through our professional customers to test the market. What is working, what is not working. And we can also add the feedback of the best chef on the market because we are working with more than 500 five-star hotels today, so which means that we have a lot of feedback from those professionals who are actually extremely sensitive about quality. And so basically, we are constantly adjusting in order to reach perfection. So you mentioned that your brand Dlight has been mostly focusing on B2B, so Business To Business that you're targeting the high end hotels directly tapping into the food and beverage experts of these hotels. Yes. But I know that now you're also switching to B2C. I just want to ask like why did you choose B2B, and how do you think B2B and B2C are different in the ice cream industry? When you speak about B2B, effectively, we're speaking about Horeca, food and beverage professional market, Horeca means hotel, restaurant, and cafe. Basically Dlight is specialized for the past 17 years into this market, but it's not only the hotel five stars. We are basically working with hotel five stars, chain of restaurants, chain of output, chain of social buffet. We are working with airlines; we are working with a multiple segmentation of the market. Why we mentioned about international five-star hotel is because we basically do not want to make a low grade quality. So basically our ice cream level is for what we call the first-tier market. That means the highest ranked hotel restaurant cafe and high-end market. Why did we choose B2B 12 years ago? Basically when I became a partner, it was basically because China market is a very big market. By the way it's not one market, it's a multiple dimensional market. So basically you need to have, it's my belief, you need to have a huge financial capacities to be able to enter B2C market, into the consumer market. To advertise, you need to have the financial sufficiency to be able to, I would say for a long period of time to be able to demonstrate that your product is a right product. To market it.