《曲外之音》-当音乐剧变成 rap battle.

《曲外之音》-当音乐剧变成 rap battle.

2022-08-15    15'06''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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酒馆音乐剧板块《曲外之音》,跟璐璐和英国资深音乐剧人Oliver一起品名音乐剧背后的故事,让高雅艺术触手可得~公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以索要英语全文稿哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the Sound of Musicals. 欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello again. This is our Part Two of Hamilton. The musical that you guys have been requested. Although for both me and Oliver, we have to admit that I wouldn't say this is my favorite. I do have to agree it's not my favorite, but it's still very good. Yes, the music is very good I give you that. And last time when we were talking about the storyline, and then Oliver you mentioned that although you loved the music, but the story you're not very familiar with, but that's history, right?And you are history buff. When you didn't learn that part of the history, I mean in school in the UK you guys don't learn that part of the history? We do learn it, but not in the same way as American students would learn it. It is the founding of their nation. They would learn it. I imagine they would learn it (in depth) in detail and in depth. Yes, they'd know lots of different people who did this and why, and in the UK we have much more of a broad view of history, and we look at big time periods. So studying the American War of Independence or the American Revolution, whichever you want to call it, we would study 100 years and a lot happens in 100 years. So we can't take too much time to focus on specific people. We would look at the events caused it, what happened afterwards, but we wouldn't study, for example, Alexander Hamilton, he would not be in a UK school because, I don't want to say not important to the UK, but he's not a specific character in UK history. Yeah. Honestly, I think there's patriotism. There's also that sense of national pride. I mean like, we said last time, every country has that type of works of art. If they put up a movie out or musical whatever you have it and then they focus on their own national history, and especially the founding of a nation, especially perhaps a very specific period in their national history. And it's not just to tell a story but also to evoke in their audience, in the audience in that nation to evoke a feeling of pride. That is your route. Yeah, definitely so. Definitely something that people, American people and people in the US should be proud of. It's the founding of their nation, you should be proud of those things. Yeah, it's just not the entire world doesn't learn it in their schools. So there are going to be gaps in knowledge for people from different countries. It's the same with Chinese history for me. I like Chinese history but we don't learn it in UK schools though. Exactly. I mean the other thing that I’ve noticed is that although a lot of these main characters, historically they're supposed to be white, but on stage they were played by clearly not white actors. That is intentional, right?It's not just because they just happened to have this actor or these actors. No, it was definitely an intentional move, yes. Historically, the founding fathers were all middle to upper class white men, but because of the way this show wants to become more modern, it wants to show modern America whilst telling a story of the founding of America intentionally chooses non-white actors to be these leading historical characters. And I think it's fantastic. I think it's great because that with the music shows that it's the history of a country, it's not the history of an ethnic group. It doesn't matter where your family is from, or where your history and your roots is, because this is a shared history from all American people. And I think that's fantastic. I think it's brilliant how it brings Americans together. Yeah, at least this is what they are aiming for. I mean whether it is idealistic or not. But they were making a conscious effort of trying to show cultural diversity, amalgamation of cultures, and styles as well.