

2022-08-16    07'22''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Foreclosure. 在网上查Foreclosure就经常看见它的翻译是“法拍房”, 也就是法院拍卖房. This is a topic that has suddenly gained in popularity in the past few years in China. 在中国也就是近几年这个话题突然变得很火. So in today's buzzword, let us get into the basics of Foreclosure. First of all, foreclosure is a legal term. 首先它是一个法律上的术语, 把foreclosure翻译成“法拍房”其实是不严谨的, 虽然它跟法拍房有关, 但是foreclosure是一个法律过程. It is a legal process in which a lender attempts to recover the balance of a loan from a borrower who has stopped making payments to the lender. 简单说来, 就是在借贷关系里, borrower找别人借钱的这个人, 因为各种原因停止偿还贷款. 那么这个时候债权人也就是lender, 他来强行收回剩余贷款的这样的一个过程. And how do they do it? They do it by taking ownership of the mortgaged property and selling it. 这就需要债权人强行收回房产等抵押物, 并进行拍卖, 然后以此收回贷款, 这样的一个过程被叫做foreclosure. 而这个里面因为要涉及到强行拍卖房产, 所以常常被人简单地理解为“法拍房”. Since foreclosure is a legal process, of course we have to talk about its legal basis. Why is it okay to do that? The foreclosure process derives its legal basis from a mortgage. 说到foreclosure的法律依据就要提到mortgage这个概念, 有的时候去查mortgage会被翻译成“房贷”, 但其实它是抵押贷款的意思, 只不过因为一般人接触到的抵押贷款多半是房贷, 所以才在很多时候被翻译成房贷。 The whole idea of mortgage is that it gives the lender the right to use a property as collateral, in case the borrower fails to uphold the terms of the mortgage document. 所谓的抵押贷款就是指当borrower找别人借钱的这个人, 无法按时按期偿还贷款的时候, 这个债权人lender可以收回这个被当做collateral抵押物的房产。 Now we just talked about a borrower fails to uphold the terms of the mortgage document. 刚才说到的borrower没有办法履约, 这个行为就被叫做default违约. Typically, default is triggered when a borrower misses a specific number of monthly payments. But it can also happen when a borrower fails to meet other terms in the mortgage documents. 比如几个月都无法按时偿还月供, 就可能会被认定为default违约.