

2022-08-31    07'07''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our Buzzword is Thirst Tweet. So what is Thirst Tweet? Tweet is something you post on Twitter, tweet就是在推特上发的帖。 And the original meaning of thirst is when you want something to drink, you say I'm thirsty or I feel the thirst, but put together, Thirst Tweets are tweets by fans expressing sexual desire towards the celebrity. 放在一起, Thirst Tweet就变成了粉丝对于他们疯狂喜欢的明星表达他们欲望的饥渴帖。 And some of them are very explicit. 有一些可以说是露骨之极. Despite being explicit or because of it, thirst tweet videos on the BuzzFeed YouTube channel, regularly get millions of views. 这个风潮最开始是由BuzzFeed带起来的, 他们就特别喜欢在油管上放一些某某明星读他自己粉丝的thirst tweet这样的视频,期期爆火。 People usually do this to male celebrities, mostly straight men whose discomfort is seen as cute or funny. 一般出来读这些thirst tweets的明星都是男性明星, 而且很多时候是直男straight man, 而看着他们读自己疯狂粉丝的饥渴帖读的面红耳赤, 很多人会觉得很搞笑很可爱。 The man in question is only allowed to react with shock or awkwardness. No line cannot be crossed, and nothing can be too insensitive with a thirst tweet. 这里面基本上是百无禁忌, 而且明星还不能翻脸, 大不了只能坐在那里尬笑。 It is as if the sexual objectification in thirst tweets must be taken in stride and worn as a badge of honor. 虽然很多的thirst tweets里面都是赤裸裸的sexual objectification, 完全把明星作为幻想对象的这种物化, 但在这个环境里一切都被合理化, 明星不光不能生气, 还必须得泰然处之, 甚至引以为荣。 Now you probably still think thirst tweets sound a bit too theoretical. So how about some examples, for the sake of this pod cast, I have to choose some less explicit ones. 为了过审,咱们就选两条相对温和, 没有那么露骨的饥渴帖和大家分享一下。 比如前几年Lucifer这个剧火了,就带火了主演Tom Ellis. So one thirst tweet for Tom Ellis says “I want the government to create a law where Tom Ellis can’t wear a shirt. He has to be shirtless 24/7” 政府应该出台法律让Tom Ellis永远都不能穿上装。 A thirst tweet for Jackson Wong says I'm sure the best way to eat chocolate is to have it off Jackson Wong’s abs. 在国内也很火的王嘉尔收到的一条thirst tweet, 就说巧克力的正确吃法就是放在王嘉尔的腹肌上舔食。 And these are still some mild ones. It can go very extreme. 现在大家在各种平台上看到又美又飒的小姐姐视频下面, 总是会有“姐姐给个机会”这样的评论也是Thirst Comment. Now I don't know how you feel about these thirst tweets you just heard, maybe you find it funny or weird or a bit extreme. But usually if it's the other way round, if it's a man on the internet writing this to a female celebrity, usually we would see it as a bit disturbing and creepy. 很有意思的是如果是女生给男明星写这种thirst tweet, 大家都会觉得比较搞笑比较可爱;但是反过来如果是男性给女明星写这样的thirst tweet, 往往就会让人觉得有更强烈的不适感。 "欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~"