

2022-09-15    07'00''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Cancel Culture. 这几天又有很多关于公众人物“失德”和“塌房”的讨论, so I thought it would be a good time to talk about something that is relevant. This is one of the more controversial buzzwords that has gained in popularity in the English-speaking world in the past few years. 所以今天的buzzword我们就来讨论一个跟公众人物“塌房”相关的这么一个词, 叫做 “cancel culture”直译为“取消文化”. It sounds pretty strange, doesn't it? It really has only come into frequent use since a few years ago. It refers to a form of ostracism in which someone or some organization is thrust out of social or professional circles-whether it be online, on social media, or in person. 所谓的“取消文化”指的是一个公众人物或者一个组织, 因为某些言行不当, 而遭到了一些群体、群众, 特别是网民的排斥、排挤、抵制。这种情况出现的时候, 我们就可以说公众人物或者组织has been cancelled. You can also describe it as the practice of withdrawing support for public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered offensive or objectionable. This canceling is often performed on social media in a form of group shaming. 这种cancel culture它的表达形式通常是在社交媒体上进行的group shaming, 群体羞辱, 就是大家一起来踩或者抵制。 The other similar idea is "Call-out culture", 跟取消文化很相关的另外一个词叫做"Call-out culture", 被翻译成“指控文化”。 Actually, the "Call-out culture" has been in use as part of the #MeToo movement. It encouraged women and men to call out their abusers on a forum where the accusations would be heard, especially against very powerful individuals. “指控文化”是来自于 #MeToo 运动, 它的作用是鼓励性侵和性骚扰的受害者, 勇敢的站出来去指控那些施暴者, 特别是那些位高权重的公众人物。 And the phrase “cancel culture” gained popularity since late 2019, most often as a recognition that society will exact accountability for offensive conduct. 而到了2019年,和“指控文化”相关的“取消文化”也火了起来。它强调的是任何一个人,特别是公众人物,他的言行一旦失格失德,整个社会都会对他进行问责。 To hold someone accountable for their words and behaviors. 其实很多人会把 “call-out culture”和 “cancel culture”放在一起说, 其实这两个文化稍微有点区别。 “Call-out culture” is about calling attention to someone's wrongdoing, and maybe giving them a chance to learn from and correct the issue; but “cancel culture” does not give this opportunity, and instead, immediately labels them as bad and want to get them cancelled. 它们两个的不同主要在于“指控文化”的目的是希望被指控的人能够意识到自己的错误作出补偿, 并且改正自己的行为;而“取消文化”连这个机会都不会给, 希望直接把这个人从公众的视野中抹去取消。