

2022-10-20    13'44''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

337 1

Welcome back to Geek Time. This is Geek Time advanced. Hi lulu. Hi Brad. We're gonna get into the more advanced ideas of quantum computing, and we're gonna talk about something that Einstein was talking about, he referred to it as spooky action and when you think about spooky, it's kind of a scary idea, maybe not like really, really scary, but something that's spooky is kind of… it’s creepy. 中文里把这个翻译成 “鬼魅效应”或者 “幽灵效应”。 Yes, it is really spooky. Is it because Einstein thought it’s something that is beyond human imagination? Is it that sort of idea? Yeah, essentially, when we look at spooky action, like a spooky action at a distance, there's this idea of quantum entanglement. What that means is you have like two particles, electrons or something like that, and they're entangled quantumly, which means that they're always going to be the same. It doesn't matter how far apart you get those two particles, they're always going to be connected, and they're always going to be the same. So like if you were to use them as a way to transmit data, because they would always be the same, you could essentially transmit data at faster than the speed of light, which is something that according to Einstein wasn't possible, right, he was looking for a way ‘can we travel faster than light?’ People just like it's not possible, but like there's this idea of quantum entanglement which allows us to do this. Basically, you have these two particles even if they're separated by like one is on earth and one is somewhere in space. We could transmit data between these two particles because they're connected somehow. I see. So like perhaps it could be used in space exploration like space stations or spaceships…and then… Yeah. And then data can be transferred instantaneously. Yeah, so like for example, if we wanted to send a message to the Mars, it would take a long time, it's not going to get there instantaneously like when we talk at a long distance, it might take a second or two for that to travel. And so there might be like some sort of echo or time lapse between our conversation on the phone, but when we're looking at this, like if we had two quantum entangled particles, one on a space station and one on earth, we could instantaneously talk to each other. There wouldn't be any gap in between. Wow. So basically maybe with quantum entanglement in the future talking to Mars or transferring things to Mars would be easier, would take less time than just air dropping it from one of my computers to another computer.