

2023-01-01    09'47''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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+luluxjg2了解详情哦 I'm really curious. So 安澜 in the UK for example, do you guys learn or are you required to learn Greek myth in school? To a certain extent, we are told these stories and these stories are relatively well known in the English-speaking world. We're probably not taught to that same extent, it's not like, for example, we have a Greek mythology class. So it's not systematic. No, but we are told these stories. And to be honest for someone who would be kind of well-read or well-educated, there is that understanding that they would at least no parts of the stories? 我来翻译一下更直白的说就是有文化的人你多少都得懂点Greek myths, 就是这也是你文化修养/文化素养的一部分吧. So it's like our other bluffer's guide is one of those things that will make you sound more cultured and more just better read and educated. And also to understand a lot of the references in culture that are related to Greek myths. As we'll talk about in the album, there's quite a few expressions, quite a few words in English that all come from Greek mythology. For example, if you say someone is narcissistic or you can say a beautiful guy being the literal Adonis. Yeah, and we even go into some kind of slightly more advanced vocabulary, slightly harder vocabulary, like for example, Sisyphean. Sisyphean and tantalizing. Tantalizing as well. All of these words we just mentioned have their roots in Greek mythology. That's right. Very interesting stories behind them. Yeah. Yeah, I think that makes Greek mythology still highly relevant. I would say that just from an interest perspective, we really hope that you enjoy the stories because they are entertaining. They are fascinating stories. But also from a learning aspect, the album is done mostly in English with Lulu speaking a bit of Chinese to gloss over some of the more complex parts. There are full scripts as well, but more importantly we're telling the stories in English. Yeah. And also we are explaining these stories impact on western culture. Now let's get into exactly how this album is structured and how is it created or developed. 这个跟我们之前的一些课程不太一样, 就像我们开始说它不是一个那种形式的课程, 就好像两个老师在这跟你讲。 首先 Album分为三个部分, 同样的1个故事, 比如说这里面有10个主要的故事, 然后每个故事有3个部分, 第一个部分是安澜的英音纯享版, so it's just 安澜's gentle voice telling you the story. Yes. Just the story. 你可以把它理解为带表情讲述的那种感觉。而且安澜的声音本来就非常gentle, 这个里面就很适合你哄睡。 This is your bedtime listening, so hopefully the story will actually put you to sleep. But hopefully not because it's boring. Yeah. 然后第二个部分是一个我跟安澜的讲述的部分, 因为你光听 story的话里面会有很多的点, 你可能听不明白, 不管是词也好, 还有包括一些神的名字, 以及他们具体什么样的角色, 以及当时的一些context, 这个里面, 我也会用我最温柔的声音跟安澜一起来讲述和讲解这个故事, 这个部分就会更长, 比那个故事要长很多。 Yeah. Both these two sections, we would say we made them children friendly. You remember Lulu saying about some of the Greek myth can be a little bit unsuitable for children. A little bit? Very unsuitable for children. So what I'm doing is I'm telling the story as I was told the story when I was five or six years old. 对, 前面这两个部分, 不管是安澜的纯享哄睡版, 还是我跟安澜的讲解版本, 我们都会用比较温柔的声音, 然后给大家讲的都是一些全家都能听的东西。 但是有的小伙伴肯定会说 What about all these saucy bits?What about all these really abnormal or just the interesting things about Greek mythology? 那个我们也没有放弃, 这就是为什么每个故事有第三个部分, 我跟安澜把它叫做Lulu and Anlan's What On Earth Were They Thinking? 就是他们在搞哪样?在搞什么鬼? 我们把它叫做【璐璐和安澜的吐槽时间】, 里面有一些让人很费解的一些情节, 一些超级***的或者说三观尽毁的情节,然后我和安澜会用现代人的视角去对他进行一个吐槽。 So we're going to be looking at these myths in a more modern way, we would also be telling you the full truth behind these myths as well. So this is probably a section not for children. This is more for adults. I think the more you emphasize on that, the more it makes them want to listen to. Hopefully. Today's children mature early. But I will still feel happier if children didn't really listen to that section. 不过吐槽的环节, 我们会把它跟前面的分开, 因为吐槽环节我们的声音音量, 包括我们说话的方式也会有所改变, 所以就希望不要大家在哄睡的故事听完之后突然开始出现情绪比较激动的吐槽。