

2023-01-03    08'05''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is on Unboxing. Now if you're a follower of social media or video streaming sites, you have definitely heard of the concept. 但凡你视频没少刷, 你都一定看到过这种类型的视频, 咱们今天的buzzword Unboxing就是字面意思—开箱。 Unboxing is literally the unpacking of products, especially high-tech consumer products where the process is captured on video and uploaded to the internet. 我们说的开箱视频, the item is then also explained in detail and can sometimes be demonstrated as well. 就是大家在小某书小破站上都看到过的那种视频, 一个UP主收到了某个品牌的新品, 然后对着摄像头开箱, 并且一边开一边具体的分享他的感受以及试用的体验。 Now you may think Unboxing is a relatively new concept, but actually Yahoo Tech places the first unboxing video to be for the Nokia E61 cell phone in 2006. 可能在有些人的记忆里开箱, 也就是近些年来才火起来的, 但其实这种意义上的开箱视频早在2006年就有, 而当时开箱的产品居然是诺基亚, 现在听起来就已经觉得好古早的品牌了。 And according to Google trends, searches for the term unboxing began to surface in the final quarter of 2006. 根据Google trends, 谷歌趋势的数据分析, Unboxing这个词也是从2006年最后一个季度开始被人不断搜索。 Now early unboxing videos focused mainly either on gadgets or fashion items, however, once the trend took off, unboxing videos were available for nearly everything that is available for purchase. 最早的开箱视频一般都是电子类产品或者是时尚类的单品, 但现在你也知道, 所有的东西都可以开箱测评。 By 2014, the popularity of these unboxing videos were such that some companies have been known to upload unboxing videos for their own products whilst others send products to uploaders for free. 这个风潮被带起来之后, 2014年左右开始, 各种各样的商家也都加入了这个阵营, 要么是自己做起了官方的开箱视频, 要么就是把自己的产品发给那些UP主, 让他们来做unboxing videos. You might ask why are unboxing videos so popular? And yes, they are popular both within China and in other parts of the world. Some people considered that the popularity of unboxing videos is due to the ability of showing the product exactly for what it is without any adulteration advertisers usually make around the product. 有些人就说可能是因为传统的广告片里往往会把这个产品拍得过于的完美, 而真实的开箱视频会让消费者更直观的看到一个产品真实的面貌。 And being able to see what the customer is actually getting can contribute to the decision process. Now these influencers who have up loaded the unboxing videos, they have tried to make these unboxing videos more interesting by adding all sorts of special effects or doing them in different ways with lots of creativity. 和网上所有其他的视频一样, 开箱测评这个领域也非常的卷, 简简单单的去开个箱, 已经不足以吸引人的眼球了, 所以各路UP主就各显神通, 加入各种各样奇奇怪怪的创意。 They often d***tize it and, in turn, take on a quirky, playful spirit, for example, to unbox a waterproof device, then they take the unboxing underwater, 比如说一个防水的电子产品, UP主就选择水下开箱, 那各种角色扮演玩段子整活更是层出不穷。 Meanwhile, the growth of e-commerce has also been a major factor contributing to the rise of unboxing. 当然电商的越来越火, 也是另外一个重要因素.