

2023-01-08    12'24''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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关注工号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取全文逐字稿和更多好文哦 Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi, 安澜. Hi Lulu. hi everyone. Last time we were talking about Oxford from the Oxbridge combo. So today let's talk about Cambridge, 牛建里的剑桥. Yeah, absolutely. I think a lot of people in China, their first association with Cambridge is 徐志摩,is再别康桥. I've actually been to the memorial in Cambridge. So 康桥就是Cambridge, but it's just like a different translation. Now Oxford and Cambridge, Cambridge is later, right? It was founded later. Yeah, Cambridge is relatively new, because it was founded in 1209. Relatively new. Well, relatively. So Cambridge is quite similar to Oxford. There is no campus and the colleges are spread throughout the city, so it's made up of about 31 colleges with over 150 different institutions all within the university. So like Oxford which is located in Oxford city, Cambridge, it's also its own city. Cambridge is a city, and just like Oxford, it's got lots of people who live there. There's lots of it's actually quite a lot of service industries in Cambridge. So lovely city as well. It's a beautiful city. I would say Cambridge is slightly quieter than Oxford. Oxford is still quite close to central London. Cambridge is a little bit further out and there's a lot more countryside around Cambridge. And how far is it from London? There's about 2.5 hours. So it's a bit more out there. It is a little bit more out there, yeah. And I remember we were talking about most of your Prime Ministers graduated from Oxford. So, I remember you mentioning that Oxford is more humanities and Cambridge focuses a little bit more on science. Yeah, it's not as clear cut as that, but Cambridge does have a really strong scientific background. So for example, the Cavendish laboratory is one of the most famous in the world, in particular, for physics and biology, so it's really famous, even though it's quite new, it's 19th century, but this is where the electron, the neutron and DNA were discovered. Impressive. But having said that, it's not all science because I know that there is something theatrical going on in Cambridge. Yes, you have the really famous amateur theatrical club, footlights. I don't know. Hugh Laurie? Yes, Hugh Laurie, John Oliver, Douglas Adams. So for those of you who have listened to our literature album, we've talked about Douglas Adams and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this is where they all started. 对, 我们的名著专辑专门才讲过他的一本书。 Yeah, talking about books though, Cambridge has some amazing libraries. There are over 100 libraries in Cambridge and the main one is actually what we call a legal deposit library. What is a legal deposit library? So under British law, every book that is published in the UK and Ireland, Cambridge University library can request a copy of it for free. Oh, so it's more like almost like an archive for record keeping. Yeah, Oxford has the same thing as well. But every book that is published in the UK generally goes to Cambridge University library. So that's about 100,000 books every single year. So that's like heaven for bookworms. I love the bookshops in Cambridge. Imagine being a student going to Cambridge... Oh, God, amazing.