

2023-01-20    14'52''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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不论是海外求学,国际旅行,接待外宾还是跨境业务洽谈中,你是否满腹干货,想做中华文化使者,但又苦于无法用英文表达?语言,不仅能让你看到更广阔的世界也能让你在更大的舞台发出自己的声音。酒馆特别板块: China Story【用英语,说中国】,双语播出,适合不同段位的你。让我们一起,讲述有趣有料的中国故事。+luluxjg 或者关注工号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】领取精美文稿。 Chinese regional cuisines are amongst the many different cuisines found in different provinces of China as well as from larger overseas Chinese communities. These styles are distinctive from one another due to the factors such as availability of resources, climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle. One style may favor the generous use of garlic and spring onions over chilli and spices, while another may favour preparing seafood over other meats. 一个菜系的形成和它的悠久历史与独到的烹饪特色分不开的。同时也受到这个地区的自然地理、气候条件、资源特产、饮食习惯等影响。 History As early as the Shang Dynasty (17th century BC - 1046 BC) and Zhou Dynasty (1046 - 256 BC), China’s dietary culture has taken shape. 商周时期,中国的饮食文化开始初具雏形。 In the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279 AD) , the northern and southern food already had their own characteristics. The interesting fact is, back then, it was the North that favored sweet flavors while the South went for more savory options. 早在宋代的时候,中国各地的饮食已经有了区别。《梦溪笔谈》(The Dream Pool Essays)卷二四中记录到:“大底南人嗜咸,北人嗜甘。鱼蟹加糖蜜,盖便于北俗也。”在当时,中国的口味主要有两种,北方人喜欢吃甜的,南方人喜欢吃咸的。 By the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD), Chinese cuisine started to divide into three distinctive styles based on cuisines of Beijing, Suzhou and Guangdong. 南宋时候,北方人大量南迁。逐渐地,北方的饮食文化影响了南方。在南方地区形成了自己的派系。到了明代末期,中国饮食分为京式、苏式和广式。京式偏咸,苏式、广式偏甜。 Historically, the Four Great Traditions(四大菜系) of Chinese cuisine are Chuan, Lu, Yue and Su, representing West, North, South and East China cuisine correspondingly. However, in modern times the list is often expanded to the Eight Great Traditions (Chinese: 八大菜系) By the early Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911 AD), four most influential cuisines prevailed. What are the four main styles of Chinese cuisine at that time? They are cuisines of Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong and Jiangsu respectively. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the four new cuisines - Zhejiang cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Hunan cuisine, and Anhui cuisine appeared; together with former four cuisines, they were listed as “8 Chinese Cuisines”. 到了清代的时候,徐珂所辑的《清稗类钞》中记载:“肴馔之各有特色者,如京师、山东、四川、广东、福建、江宁、苏州、扬州、镇江、淮安。”后来概括为鲁、川、粤、苏四大菜系。 清末民初开始,闽、浙、湘、徽等地方菜也逐渐出名,就形成了中国的“八大菜系”。后来形成最有影响和代表性的也为社***公认的有:鲁、川、粤、苏、闽、浙、湘、徽等菜系,即被人们常说的中国“八大菜系”。