

2023-01-23    11'11''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】+小助手【luluxjg2】获取全文稿 不论是海外求学,国际旅行,接待外宾还是跨境业务洽谈中,你是否满腹干货,想做中华文化使者,但又苦于无法用英文表达?语言,不仅能让你看到更广阔的世界也能让你在更大的舞台发出自己的声音。酒馆特别板块: China Story【用英语,说中国】,双语播出,适合不同段位的你。让我们一起,讲述有趣有料的中国故事。 The four cuisines we talked about in the previous episode were the four major cuisines of China before the Qing Dynasty, which is why they are collectively known as the Four Great Traditions of Chinese Cuisine (Lu, Chuan, Yue, and Su). Think of the next four cuisines as the newcomers, established around the end of Qing Dynasty to form the major eight. 5. MIN (FUJIAN) CUISINE (闽菜): Min Cuisine is from the southeastern coastal province of Fujian. It features the best that both land and sea have to offer. Like most of the cuisines on this list, there are several sub-styles. In the capital city of Fuzhou, the food is light and fresh. Farther from the coast, in western Fujian, there are more meat than seafood dishes. In southern Fujian, you’ll find Hokkien cuisine, which has influenced (through migration) the cuisines of Southeast Asia and Taiwan. There is also Putian cuisine, which has a focus on seafood. 由于福建人民经常往来于海上,于是饮食习俗也逐渐形成带有开放特色的一种独特的菜系。闽菜以烹制山珍海味而著称,在色香味形俱佳的基础上,尤以“香”、“味”见长,其清鲜、和醇、荤香、不腻的风格特色,以及汤路广泛的特点,在烹坛园地中独具一席。 福州菜淡爽清鲜,讲究汤提鲜,擅长各类山珍海味;闽南菜(厦门、漳州、泉州一带)讲究佐料调味,重鲜香。故此闽菜形成三大特色,一长于红糟调味,二长于制汤,三长于使用糖醋。 In many parts of Fujian, a meal is not a meal without a soup. Their most esteemed soup—also perhaps the most famous soup in China—has a very unusual name. “Buddha/Monk Jumps Over the Wall” (佛跳墙). The name suggests that it’s so tantalizing that a monk would break all restraint and jump over the monastery wall to have a taste! It takes a few days to make this soup, with several very expensive ingredients from both land and sea. Some include jinhua ham, chicken, pork, mushrooms, fresh bamboo shoots, abalone, sea cucumber, dried scallops, and dried fish maw. With all these extravagant ingredients, you can expect to pay an arm and a leg for a bowl. The broth is clear, but the flavor is equally delicate, rich, and powerful. 佛跳墙通常选用***、海参、鱼唇、牦牛皮胶、杏鲍菇、蹄筋、花菇、墨鱼、瑶柱、鹌鹑蛋等汇聚到一起,加入高汤和福建老酒,文火煨制而成。成菜后,软嫩柔润,浓郁荤香,又荤而不腻,味中有味。 Fujian cuisine also uses rice wine to make “drunken” dishes, fermented rice wine to make brines, and fermented red yeast rice sauce to braise.