

2023-01-31    12'49''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

255 2

【Geek Time】-“极客”时间,和“科技宅”Brad一起聊神秘有趣的“黑科技”“高科技”“硬科技”。欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time, 欢迎回来【Geek时间】. Hi, Brad. Hey, Lulu. Quick question: Star Trek or Star Wars? I'm kind of in the middle. I love both. I know a lot of people when they think of Star Trek and Star Wars, there is always this divide where you're either a Trekkie or you're a Star Wars fan. But for me, I really, I love both. Now to our listeners for 70-75% women, I know this is probably a very geeky topic. Now, I know many of you watched things like Big Bang Theory or some other comedy where you constantly hear the reference to Star Wars and Star Trek. Star Wars星球大战和Star Trek 星际迷航, 这两个都成了一个梗了, 经常能在很多喜剧里面看到. Whenever they appear in comedy, it's always people who are into them, they're really, really into them. And people who are not into them, just don't get it; and they are like the “geek tag” right? That’s the geek badge of honor, almost. They are the kings of geekdom. Yeah. In these 2 episodes, we're gonna talk to Brad, a seasoned geek, 资深geek. What is the big deal about Star Wars and Star Trek? I think with Star Trek that came first. Well actually when you look at sci-fi, Doctor Who 《神秘博士》of course came before that, but Star Trek in the U.S. at least started in the 60s in a kind of in the late 60s. But it's been on TV for the majority of the time since then or in a movie format one way or the other. Star Trek was originally kind of like this show was a one-off adventure every time they were going to a new world. Like a self-contained, right? Right. A new civilization, like the whole tagline was “to boldly go where no man has gone before,” right? They have this whole idea where you could watch any episode and you wouldn't really be lost. You'd be able to understand what was going on. Nowadays, it's kind of moved into this more serial nature where you have to watch from the beginning to the end. And that's one of those things that has kind of...it’s a developing plot. Right. That's kept people more focused on the show rather than just being casual watchers. It gets people to watch it from week to week. Okay. But it's Star Trek, this whole idea is that it's about the scientific journey. There might be some things that seem really fantastical and you're like this must be magic. But the end of every episode they show you how it somehow has to do with scientific and there's a scientific reasoning behind it. That's kind of like the magic of Star Trek. This is why it's sci-fi. It’s not a fantasy, because everything is somewhat based on scientific reasoning, right? Yeah. Now, I just make you watch it sometime.