

2023-02-10    11'17''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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Hello again欢迎来到Happy Hour英文小酒馆。关注公号璐璐的英文小酒馆,加入我们的酒馆社群,邂逅更精彩更广阔的世界 Hi everyone, and welcome back to Famous Brits Under the Microscope【英伦名人八卦堂】. Hi, 安澜.  Hi Lulu, hi, everyone. We haven't done this for a while. No, it's been a really long time since we last did this segment. But I thought today I want talk a little bit more about the gossip Mhm.  We talk about the great people from British history So boring... You can get a bit boring. Okay. Today I want to tell you about probably one of the worst kings we ever had. It's not the great, it’s the infamous. Exactly. And this was George IV. George IV. 乔治四世, I'm really bad at history, so remind me. So George IV reigned in the early 19th century, but he was most famous for being the Prince Regent. 就是摄政王, 是不是Blackadder 里面, in Blackadder  Hugh Laurie that character. He was the Prince Regent, and this was also the Time of Jane Austen. And we still talk about the regency as a time of architecture, art, literature, good manners. But it's named after somebody who was not a very nice person. And his time that was... when he had the power, when he's on the throne that was called the regency. That's right, 叫摄政时期, if you look it up in Chinese. So it starts with him being born in1762, his father and mother were the king and queen obviously. And as a child, even though he was a good student,  he wasn't stupid, he was more interested in luxury, eating, drinking, and partying. He was incredibly lazy. So it's basically someone born with really not just silver spoon, was like diamond spoon. Well put it this way. He got around£14 million a year as allowance from the king and also from parliament. £14 million? In today's prices, in 2022. And that was just allowance? That was just his allowance, but even with that amount of money, he was constantly in debt. He was overspending. What did he spend it on, partying? drinking? How much could he drink?