

2023-02-16    09'46''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Situationship. Now we've just gone through Valentine's Day, did you celebrate with your significant other?Are you still single?Or are you in a situation where you are dating someone but it's not exactly a relationship. You and your partner have fun together and may even be intimate, physically and emotionally. But you haven't made a commitment to each other or even discuss the future together. 我相信很多人既不是那种婚姻爱情幸福甜蜜的状态, 也不是母胎单身, 而是有约会对象, 但是似乎就是那种若即若离, 没有确定下来的关系. Now you have the exact word in English to describe just that. 所以今天的Buzzword我们就来说说, 英文里用来形容 “友人以上, 恋人未满” 的这个词Situationship. Situationship is a combination of situation and relationship. So if you are dating someone, but when people ask you whether you are in a relationship, your answer is well, it's complicated. Then you're probably in a situationship. Let's look at the definition first, less than a relationship, but more than a casual encounter or friends with benefit, a situationship refers to a romantic relationship that is and remains undefined. 其实要说situationship它最大的特点就是还没有定性, 两个人在一起很亲密, 会做很多恋人做的事儿, 但是并没有所谓正规的名分, 也没有正式的讨论过将来. And apparently this is becoming a trend, especially in the young generation. Now if you look at the society nowadays, our expectations of relationship has changed. People are getting married later in life and many people are eager to explore relationships in a less structured way without pressure to commit as they prioritize self-knowledge and developing as individuals. 那之所以situationship会成为一个潮流, 主要是因为现代人特别是年轻人的婚恋观出现了很大的改变. 人们越来越晚婚, 而且比起感情婚姻承诺这些东西, 更愿意去考虑个人自身的发展. Especially Gen-Z, 特别是Z世代, 也就是相当于中国的95后00后, they take an especially pragmatic approach to love and sex, and subsequently aren't prioritizing establishing committed romantic relationships the same way their older peers once did. 他们对于婚恋性爱的观点倾向于更加实用主义, 用句更通俗的话来讲, 可能就是谈恋爱不如搞钱重要.