

2023-02-20    09'20''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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通过本张专辑,你将获得: 西方国家名著必读清单 45集音频+逐字稿+图文良心制作 精选文化贴士/名人轶事介绍/金句提炼/修辞手法分析 故事情节浓缩精华 来自璐璐和安澜不一样的见解和解说 优雅英音Quotes跟读 Hello again欢迎来到Happy Hour英文小酒馆。关注公众号璐璐的英文小酒馆,加入我们的酒馆社群,邂逅更精彩更广阔的世界 Hi everyone, and welcome back to酒馆. One piece of good news, 我们的新专辑上线了, Season Two of the Bluffer's Guide to English Literature. 【英文名著扫盲班】第二季. Yeah, hi Anlan. Hi, Lulu, hi everyone. Did you enjoy recording about all those books with me? Of course, I did. It was great to talk about some of these books, particularly the ones that I like, but I did actually learn a lot from the books that you like. 其实之前【英文名著扫盲班】第一季上线的时候, 我们就已经做了一个发刊对谈了, 对吧?发刊词. We talked about why we enjoy reading, why we love literature and why literature is so important for language learners and for those who want to understand a little bit around the culture of the English speaking world. So in this episode we're going to talk a little bit more about the books we have chosen. In particular, why we have chosen them. 因为我们在第一季的时候已经录了那种很正经的发刊词, 然后里面也说了我们各种各样的理念, philosophy. So I thought season two, we can still use those philosophies, but we're going to add an extra episode, a little bit more fun episode to tell you how we've come to choose these ten books for the second season. Yes. It involves lots of discussion, lots of arguments between Lulu and me. Lots of fights. Lots of fights, simply because there are so many books we want to choose. So what we do is each of us comes up with a list of ten books we want for the album. Yeah. Now Lulu's taste in books is a bit strange. Personally, some of these books I don't really quite understand, but my books are really, really good. I could say the same thing. 我跟安澜在选书的时候, 基本上会同时考虑这种top booklists, and also our own preferences and our own experiences. And we do have very different tastes. After we share with each other, our ten book selections, we kept saying to each other, why did you choose that book? Yes. So how we select them is after having arguments, we do try to choose an example of some of the most popular genres, not to mention the books that really have a following even to this day, so that they do appear in cultural references all the time. Yeah. So you don't have to worry, although 安澜 and I have very, very different tastes in books but the books we've ended up choosing they're all very, very well-known books. Basically the starting point as with the first album is if these books are parodied in TV shows like The Simpsons, we put them on the list. 只要是被辛普森一家恶搞过的, 就证明他足够的有名. Yes.