

2023-03-06    17'15''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。 微信公众号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Happy Hour. 欢迎回来酒馆. Tomorrow is going to be International Women's Day again. 明天就又是国际妇女节了, you know that every year we do an episode dedicated to this special occasion. So far we've introduced to you some badass truly outstanding women, explored the obstacles faced by women, and also talked about the changing beauty ideals. This year I would like to do something a bit different. Now I'm sure you've noticed recently the word feminism has been trending on social media due to a very high profile interview. 相信大家最近都在社交媒体上不断看到女性主义feminism这个词吧? Actually ages ago, we did an episode on feminism, the history of it, the origin, and also the different waves of it. Now as we're increasingly talking about this idea, I thought it would be great to focus on that this year. Now maybe when you are talking about feminism, both in Chinese and in English, sometimes you get stuck on certain words, terms, descriptions. So in this Women's Day Special, let me give you a crash course on the essential words and terms in feminism. 所以就借用上野千鹤子教授的一本书的名字, 咱们今天就来做一期《从零开始的女性主义关键词》. Now before we get into today's content, I would like to state that this crash course is about words and terms, and how they're used in the context of feminism, it's not really about personal opinions. If anything, my aim for making this particular episode is so that you know how these words are used, so you're able to use them in your future conversations to voice your own opinions on the matter. So let's get started with the origin of the word “feminism”. 首先来说说 feminism这个词的起源, 前些年在中国它还经常被翻成 “女权主义”, 后来因为各种各样的原因, 现在它更多的被翻成 “女性主义”. But this word was borrowed from French “féminisme” around 1837; It was first recorded in English in 1851, but it originally meant the state of being feminine. It was only from 1895, feminism started to carry the meaning of advocacy women's rights. 而这个词从法语借到英文之后, 一直到1895年之后, 才开始有 “推崇提倡女性权利”的意思. In short, feminism is a social theory or political movement which argues that legal and social restrictions on women must be removed in order to bring about equality of the sexes in all aspects of public and private life. And notice here, the emphasis is on equality of the sexes, not privileges. 所以女性主义从一开始倡导的就是 “平权”。 Now to talk about feminism, obviously, you have to talk about gender. I know a lot of people might get confused with the word “gender” and “sex”, and true sometimes they can be used interchangeably. But the World Health Organization describes Sex as characteristics that are biologically defined; whereas Gender is based on socially constructed features. So gender has a lot to do with society and its definitions. Another key concept here is Gender Roles. When we talk about gender roles we're talking about men would have a role in the society and women would have a different role in society. A social role encompasses a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate or desirable for a person based on that person's gender. For instance, if we say “boys don't cry” or “girls shouldn't lose their temper”, we're emphasizing gender roles. And when these gender roles are very solid, they become gender stereotypes, 特别强调性别角色的时候, 他们就会变成Gender Stereotypes, 性别刻板印象. Gender stereotypes are a set of preconceptions regarding the role of the certain gender in society, and gender stereotypes often end up causing individuals harm and distress. So if you don't fit gender stereotypes in your society and your culture, you might get a lot of pressure and negative comments. 比如如果一个社会认为男人就一定要在外面闯出一番事业, 那么即使是你愿意当家庭主夫, 家庭也非常幸福, 依然会被别人贴标签, 认为你是 “软饭男”. That is the harm of gender stereotype. 反之那些说 “女性只有生了孩子才完整”, “只有做贤妻良母才是女人的本分”同样是gender stereotypes.