

2023-04-03    13'53''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~ In the previous episode, we were talking to Aladin, our guest speaker from France about whether French people are truly romantic, and let's continue with that topic today. So now let's move on from just dating to perhaps more settling down whether it's just long term relationship or actually getting married. Would you say when it comes to more serious dating or settling down, French people are still more romantic or pragmatic? The reason why I'm asking is really like in China a lot of the times when we consider marriage, we consider a lot of pragmatic elements, for example, assets, properties, whether the two families match, you know, this whole门当户对thing, does it happen in France? What I found really interesting, because when I just arrived in China, you just start using dating apps especially when you don't know anyone in the country. I was really surprised to see like so many girls telling me you look nice Aladin but like I'm looking for potential wedding, like I'm looking for a potential husband, and like I could sense that already for them like as a foreigner, as a French person coming to China, maybe you're not gonna stay forever. I was just kind of so shocked to see that people would not like give it a chance. It was like so practical already from the get go and you're just like what's the interest of dating? Then if you are just like have already like some kind of checklist of what you want exactly to achieve, then shouldn't we all on those apps put exactly or 户口 and how many money we make each month so that we would be faster this way. So to tell you that as a French person, we don't officially... we would not say something like that, like when you go out and you date and you meet people, you're supposed to find maybe the one love of your life. Common interests. Common interests. But officially like in my own friends and people around me like we would never say like, this guy was nice, but he is like from a poor family so I'm just gonna drop him and this is not gonna work. People will never say that like that would be seen as extremely conservative and really weird. So people are out to meet their love of their life. And in theory, you are not supposed to be too practical about those kind of things. I like that you said in theory. Because at the end of it, for example, like I don't have any study in mind, but for example one day, I, because my dad got married like 5 years ago, in French mayor office like you have some kind of official announcement, it's the law, like you're supposed to put official wedding so that if someone was already married... Objects. ...the wedding, the people could be “喂, that guy you already got married to this other person like years ago.” So I was out of curiosity, I went to take a picture of my dad like official wedding information. It was taken down, but that doesn't matter, but I was like checking like the 25 couples that got married. I could clearly see that every social class were staying together like a worker with a worker, like a movie, a film production company guy was like married, like an actress, like a doctor was marrying a nurse. So you could see that men would always marry someone from their same social status or they would marry someone a little bit under them. But you would never have like a female surgeon marrying like a 保安 and like a cop or someone like that like people were just like staying around their own ... Social circles. Social circle, and even I see my own friends like if I look around, I come from a middle class Paris family, more like a liberal type of people. So we were supposed to be open minded, but I can clearly see that the people around me they choose people at the end of the day, not that many people choose someone under their social background. I think it's one of those things that you probably not consciously doing it, but subconsciously you're definitely you're kind of stick