

2023-04-06    12'54''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to your favorite segment Across the Pond. 欢迎回来你 们最喜欢的【英美大不同】. Hi, James. Hi, lulu, hi, everyone. Hi安澜. Hello. You just remind me of like a groundhog or like a mole person. Thank you. OK, we digress. So for those of you who are not familiar with this segment, we invite James and 安澜, James from America and安澜from the UK, we are going to do a comparison in how they are dealing with different social situations. Today, our topic is, drum roll plays, traveling abroad. Yeah Because we finally can. Any travel plans, by the way, before we start? Well, I got a list, Japan, Europe, America, Thailand, Southeast Asia. I can keep going. It's a long list. Same here actually. What about you安澜? Pretty much the same. I've already been back to the UK once, I'm gonna go back again in the summer, but 'm hoping to go to Southeast Asia. OK. So this should be right up your alley. Question one, you've gone to paradise. This could be any sort of tropical islands or whatever you like. But for the week you are there, it rains constantly for the first time in years. What would you do, how would you react? Being American... I've got two Pina Coladas, one for each hand. I want to make the best of it. No, we're still in paradise and they got... the bar is still open. Don't admit defeat, just keep going. Would you still like venture out when it's like pouring with rain? Yes, that's either... I spent all these money to come here. It's like it's warm, it's only wet be either this or jump in the ocean. So... I see. And 安澜 I would pretty much do what I was gonna do if it was sunny, stay in my room, look on my phone, read a book, have a beer. 安澜 for you traveling is just like finding different places to read your book. And finding different drinks to accompany that. So I've tried American beer, English beer, German beer, Japanese beer. Exactly .That's how you know you traveled. Yeah. Remind me to take you to a bar that offers all those type of world beers. Then you save on the traveling expenses. All right. Honestly, for me, I probably complain the whole time because I absolutely hate rain. I don't do well in rain. You guys are not gonna respond to that. No. All right. Question two, you arrive at the “Beach-view pleasure Resort” 什么海景房, 海景度假村. Only to discover your mosquito-infested room faces a charming brick wall. Bring American, you... I mean it is the most amazing brick wall of everything in my life. It is red with black mortar, the room comes with pets.   Are you gonna complain them, seriously Yeah, but we're gonna have a sense of humor about it. Ok, wouldn't you be angry that you paid for Beach-view pleasure Resort? Yes, most Americans would be quite upset, but they would also be really bemused.  And安澜?  Well, certainly I will not be happy about it, but I would look out the window. I would enjoy the mosquitoes and tell everyone I'm having a wonderful time. And then at the end of the holiday, leave a very bad review on trip advisor. So neither of you would just move out and consider another hotel? That costs much. And we already spent a lot of money on this awesome viewed hotel and it's... we can't admit defeat. These are called surrender, or else mosquitoes will win.   Next question, now I'm assuming is gonna be different for the two of you, you go down for breakfast in the hotel to discover bountiful buffet of every type of cuisine imaginable. 早餐什么都有, 世界各地的美食. What do you go for?Let’s have James again. If you're the smart traveler, you eat the local stuff because they're less likely to mess it up, but the average American, bacon, bacon, bacon, eggs, potatoes. Would you say Americans are generally not very adventurous when it comes to exotic food? Not really, if it's like, no, I mean they'll do continental, a nice cold cuts and cheese and croissants that's not stretching there. That's not pushing them very far. They'll do that. But if it's like, what's this?