

2023-04-11    09'02''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Stan. Sounds like a name, doesn't it?Well, it is, and it isn't. But it is related to fandom. 所以今天的Buzzword, 咱们就来聊聊和饭圈文化有关的词Stan. The term “stan” comes from the song of the same name on Eminem’s 2000 album, 要说这个词是怎么来的, 这就可以追溯到2000年, 当时事业如日中天的Eminem姆爷出的新专辑里有一首歌就叫做Stan. The song tells the story of an obsessed fan named Stan, who writes multiple letters to Eminem. Eventually, Stan’s obsession spirals out of control, and he becomes violent. 这首歌讲的就是一个Eminem的狂热粉丝, 叫做Stan. 他不断的给姆爷写信, 表达他有多么的崇拜他, 但这些信因为得不到回应, 逐渐stand就变得更加疯狂, 而且更加的暴力. It is a pretty dark song. And we don't know where Eminem got the name stan or if the song was truly based on a real person. 不过有不少人猜测, 之所以Eminem会把这个狂热粉丝的名字取作Stan, 是因为Stan是stalker跟踪狂和fan粉丝的合成词. Several years after the song's release, the term was picked up by early internet forums to refer to obsessive ardent fans. 随后的几年, 网上一些论坛就开始用Stan来指代那些疯狂迷恋某一个明星的粉丝. Since then, it’s evolved into a catchall term for self-identified online fans of all types of media personalities and artists. 不过后来这个词在英语的饭圈也经常会被使用, 甚至有很多人会自称Stan. An urban dictionary entry describing stan for intense fandom was added in 2006. 网上的俚语词典, urban dictionary 2006年就加入了Stan词条, and one of the first tweets using stan as a verb for greatly liking someone came in 2008. 随后 Stan就不只是一个名词了. 再有人发推的时候就把stan作为一个动词来表示狂热的迷恋某一位明星. Over the years, “stan” has morphed into a go-to slang term for diehard fans and was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017. 随后作为狂热粉丝这个意思的Stan就留存下来, 并且在2017年被收录到牛津词典. Along with the development of the language, a movement called “stan culture” has also appeared. 随之而来的不光是词汇的变迁, 还包括叫stan culture的, 你可以把它理解成狂热饭圈文化. This particular slang term spread online in the late 2000s and early 2010s withstands of different fandoms arguing for the superiority of their interests. In 2010, the website stan wars launched because of these online arguments. 因为stan culture的大流行, 在2010年出现了这样的一个网站, 就叫Stan Wars, 你可以把它理解为饭圈大战, so that people from different fandoms can fight and argue with each other. 基本上类似于那种什么 “我家哥哥比你们家的好” 那种争论. So in English they're called stans or diehard fans. And interestingly, in Korean, there is an equivalent. 在韩语里有一个相对应的词叫做sasaeng. 听起来是不是有点耳熟?其实就是私生饭, 而中文里的私生饭就是从韩语里借过来的. They're basically described as these stans or diehard fans that are driven by their obsession to commit borderline criminal acts in order to gain attention from celebrities. Now if you don't know anything about fandom, you might wonder what do stans do, how are they different from regular fans? 如果你一点都不懂饭圈文化, 可能你会觉得说喜欢一个人我不就是他的粉丝吗? 这些所谓的stan和一般的粉丝有什么区别呢? Stans are often able to organize and create large-scale movements that have an impact on social media. So for example, they might be actively streaming or purchasing new songs so that they will rank higher on music charts. 比如他们会短期刷量, 帮助他们家idol的新专辑打榜; Regularly posting or tweeting about their favorite artist to raise awareness. Creating and popularizing various hashtags, trends, memes.不断的刷热搜; Participating in stan wars. 和其他爱豆的粉丝进行饭圈大战; Defending their fave artist during any potential scandals. 在ta们的爱豆塌房或者疑似塌房的时候, 站出来力挺爱豆; Stan's have had a profound effect on overall internet culture. And in both English and Chinese, they've even formed their own language called stan language.