

2023-05-07    12'31''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Welcome back to Geek Time advanced, we're talking about Otaku culture. Welcome Lulu. Hi, Brad. So I've got a question for you. Have you ever heard of something called Dakimakura? Dakimakura, you're talking about the body pillow?Dakimakura就是那种怎么说呢?动漫形象设计的那种一人高的抱枕, 人形抱枕, 或者说有你动漫人物的抱枕. Yeah, don't tell me you have one. I did buy two and I was going to give them to a friend as a joke, that I was gonna let him choose which one he wanted. It didn't really ever plan out, but like, it's one of those things that it's not something you really think a lot of when it comes to Otaku culture, but it is one of those things that does come up to the surface every now and then, you'll see things in the news or something like that. But think having a Dakimakura like a human sized body pillow, the girls are often scantily clad. Some people have… Scantily dressed, yeah? Some people have their own Dakimakura harem. Harem? So they will have a lot of different Dakimakura? Yeah, they have like several. You said scantily clad girls, but actually there are also some very popular male version. I wouldn't say no to a very handsome anime character Dakimakura. Why not?I think most people probably don't really take it that seriously, for them, even if you’re an Otaku, it’s just kind of like a collection. It's sort of like paraphernalias, 像周边产品的这种感觉. But some people are very serious, right?I've heard some people married their Dakimakura? There's been a few marriages where people have married their Dakimakura or they've married their video game character. This has been in like South Korea and Japan. Yeah, it may have been in other places as well, but that's just like the two places that I've actually heard of something like that happening. But so far, including the basic episode, we were mostly focusing on Anime Manga and we're mostly focusing on you're into a specific character because she is cute or he's handsome, but it, Otaku, you said it can be about any hobby, right? There are car Otaku, just about anything can have like an Otaku, train Otaku, Densha Otaku. But one of the most interesting one is military Otaku. So if you're into all these military fad toys and also weapons maybe? Yeah, they'll do cosplay just like anime cosplay. So they'll get like military uniforms, and I've actually walked down one of the streets here and seemed like a shop that had like military uniforms and I was just like. What? It's like almost cosplay stuff and replica guns or weapons. They have something called air soft, and air soft is kind of like a pellet gun. 软气枪. It can hurt somewhat. It's not dangerous or anything. No, as long as you use them properly, they're perfectly safe. But if you shot someone up close and using one of the more high powered ones and they didn't have any protection, you could break the skin, but other than that, they are usually safe and they're not gonna hurt you. They use air soft guns and they have reenactments. This is something similar to the US. In the US there are people who do Civil War reenactments where they actually they play characters from history or they just have like skirmishes or something like that. So basically this is just sort of like reenactment, and people just get into characters, I guess they would perhaps role play a specific historical battle or they might just create a futuristic battle which sounds a bit dark if you do a futuristic war scene. They just do whatever they want to do. They might do like what if scenarios like, what if this side won or what if that side won, and so they might... but they don't just reenact the battle. They like reenact everything that goes along with it. I remember one day I was doing some laundry at a coin laundry shop. Three guys walked in and like their whole military get ups and I was like what is going on? They take off their get ups to throw in the washing machines because they just came back from doing like one of their reenactments. I was just like, OK