《安澜的晚安故事》 -劫富济贫的“悍匪”,是全英最受爱戴的英雄之一 ?

《安澜的晚安故事》 -劫富济贫的“悍匪”,是全英最受爱戴的英雄之一 ?

2023-05-11    06'28''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

320 1

全新版块上线!来酒馆听安澜为你讲述英国及世界的传奇晚安故事~关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多最新资讯文稿! In all of England, there was no one better with a bow and arrow than Robin Hood. Robin Hood lived with his band of Merry Men in Sherwood Forest. That forest was the King's woods where King John kept his royal deer for hunting. A few years before, King Richard had ruled the land. This King was kind and let the poor come into Sherwood Forest to hunt the deer to feed their families. But the time had come for King Richard and his army to leave England. And then King John became the king when Richard did not return. "Bad King John," as this king would become known by, did not want anyone to come into Sherwood Forest. John wanted all the deer for himself so that he could hunt whenever he wanted. From then on, he declared that anyone seen hunting in Sherwood Forest would be arrested and thrown into prison. Robin Hood did not like that. He moved into Sherwood Forest and dressed in green so that he could hunt whenever he wanted. Other brave men came into Sherwood Forest, too. One by one they joined Robin Hood and became his band of Merry Men. Robin Hood and his Merry Men would hide when rich nobles passed through the woods. Then all at once, they would jump out and rob those rich men. Then he would give their money to the poor starving people. But you can imagine that the rich men who were robbed were not happy! They told Bad King John what was going on in Sherwood Forest. "Something must be done!" they shouted at the King. The King put the Sheriff of Nottingham in charge of Sherwood Forest. It would be his job to catch Robin Hood and throw him into prison! But Robin Hood was too quick and clever. His Merry Men would warn him each time they saw the Sheriff of Nottingham or one of his guards in the woods, and Robin Hood would escape or hide. So the Sheriff came up with a new plan. “I will arrange a great contest,” he said, “to find out who is the best archer in England. The winner will go home with a Golden Arrow.” The Sheriff then said in a low voice, “If I know Robin Hood, he will not be able to stay away from such a contest. And when he comes, we will catch him!”