

2023-05-18    09'07''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~ In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Desk Bombing. You know the word ‘desk’, now ‘bombing’ sounds pretty scary. 大家都知道‘bomb’是 ‘炸弹’的意思, but Desk Bombing is not a terrorist act. It is actually a term circulating in the workplace context recently. It describes the act of dropping by your co-workers at their desk unannounced. 直译为 ‘桌边轰炸’或者 ‘办公桌轰炸的行为’,其实就是指的在办公室工作的状态下, 你的同事并没有提前跟你商量, 就突然来到你的办公桌边跟你说个什么事儿. This act is called Desk Bombing, and people who are doing it are Desk Bombers. 这些人就被直译为‘办公桌炸弹客’. The desk bomber could be allocating work, asking for clarification, checking up on you or simply sharing a juicy piece of gossip. 这些Desk Bomber他们找你说话的目的可能确实是分配工作, 澄清一些工作上的事情, 或者只是找你聊个天八个卦. The reason why this is called Desk Bombing is because they came unannounced, unplanned, they didn't warn you. 之所以把它叫做Desk Bombing是指的他们并没有事先跟你约好. Some workers prefer dropping by your desk over sending emails to a colleague, especially if they're also in the same room, others hate the interruption to their workflow. 关于Desk Bombing到底好还是不好, 就见仁见智了. 有的人就觉得说, 咱们都已经在同一个房间了, 比起send邮件面对面直说更方便; 也有些人就觉得你入侵了我的私人空间, 打断了我整个工作的流程. And these type of people they would think how dare they talk to me, invade my space. Now we've just been through 3 years of Covid, people got used to the idea of working and studying at home. When you're working and studying at home, it gives you the opportunity to present an idealized version of yourself, protected by the barrier of the screen. 疫情三年, 很多人都习惯了居家办公居家学习. 因为在居家办公的状态, 你向你的同事可以呈现一个比较理想化的状态, 那些不理想的部分你可以不让他看到. For example, when you get a call, you can decline. You can change your status to ‘busy’. When a task needs uninterrupted concentration, 你可以更多的自己有掌控力. You become adjusted to hammering out tasks without distractions or needing to engage in small talk. 特别是那种不喜欢small talk闲聊的人, 居家办公可以说帮你规避了所有的这些. But now we're back in the office or at least mostly back in the office to readjust to working in the office, desk bombing starts to become an issue. So how do people feel about it?Now here I'm gonna share with you some interesting opinions and perspectives that I got from an online interview. 这里就跟大家分享一个网上的采访和调研得出来的对于Desk Bombing的几种观点. Person A has been a hybrid worker for the past 7 years. 我们之前也说过, hybrid worker就是一半在家, 一半在办公室这样的一个混合型办公. It's actually very popular around the world in the post pandemic context. He says one of my pet hates is Desk Bombing. He doesn't like it. The days I got to work from home were so productive. I feel the lack of desk bombing on those days is the reason why. A就说我居家办公的时候效率特别高, 主要就是因为没有人会Desk Bomb我. He adds, since remote working has become far more commonplace. The remote equivalent-sudden, unexpected video calls- can be similar, but I feel you have a lot more control over these. 虽然说你在远程居家办公的时候, 也可能会有人突然给你打个视频, 但是在这个情况下, 你是可以有权利拒绝的, 至少你会有更多的控制力.