

2023-05-21    10'06''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to New Zealand Under the Microscope. Hi, Simon. Hi, Kia Ora. 你好. Nice to see you again. Kia Ora. Now today instead of talking about life in New Zealand in general, I would like to to get Simon to tell us about one of his legendary tales. Simon这个人特别传奇, 有很多传奇的人生故事. Now I understand that once in New Zealand, after you moved back, you saved someone's life. You embarrassed me, Lulu, you embarrassed me. Don't be coy. Let's hear that story. I've heard it before and it's truly, it's legendary. All right. A few years ago, I was having to travel a lot for work. So I have clients that are all over the country and I would do a lot of driving. So every week I was on the road going to different cities thousands of kilometers every month. Now one night I was driving home, it was very late, it was around midnight or 1:00 am. I was driving down a rural road. I live in a city called Napier. I was driving on this road which connected Napier and another city called Taupo. This road, it's a terrible road. It's a very bendy road. There's sort of cliffs on each side, that's forested, very bendy, very dark. There's no houses, there's no people around for about 100 kilometers. Total wilderness basically. Yeah, absolutely. It's quite common for there to be accidents on this road. What type of accidents? I don't imagine there will be lots of cars. It's not a huge number of cars but certainly people regularly travel. If you're from Napier and you need to travel north, so if you need to travel up to Auckland or Hamilton or Tauranga or any of the other main cities in the north island, excluding Wellington, Palmersto North, you have to travel on this road. I see.