

2023-05-25    09'01''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Aigiarism. To talk about that, let's talk about ChatGPT first. Now I'm pretty sure even if you're not into technology at all, you have heard of it. It is one of the most significant language models ever created because it is capable of generating human-like text and can perform a variety of tasks, including translation, summarization, and writing code. 即使你对科技再不感冒, 相信你也听过ChatGPT, 也知道它的功能超级强大, 可以迅速生成大段的以假乱真的文本. While undeniably innovative and exciting, ChatGPT might have a dark side and people are starting to see it. 很多人都觉得ChatGPT很强大很好玩很创新, 也有不少人产生了深深的忧患意识, 这个要说到咱们今天的buzzword. First of all, what does Aigiarism mean, like many of the buzzwords we talked about before, it is a combination of two words. 这个词前半部分就是AI人工智能, 后半部分是Plagiarism. Plagiarism一般被翻译成剽窃或者是抄袭. In simple terms, Aigiarism means plagiarizing using AI, sometimes it's also called AI assisted plagiarism. 说白了就是通过AI技术进行了抄袭和学术剽窃行为. Plagiarism, by definition, is taking someone else’s work and presenting it as your own. When you take free content generated from an AI, it falls into the category of ‘not your work’, and by presenting it as your own, you are committing plagiarism. 虽然很多人可能会狡辩说, 我用AI只是用了一个科技去生成文本, 我也没有抄谁的, 但这种把不是你自己创造的内容, 当做是自己的提交上去, 本来就是plagiarism的行为. The word “Aigiarism” exists as a result of AI advancement. Since ChatGPT has made the tour worldwide, people have noticed that they could use it to generate free content for papers, articles, and other written forms. 相信试用过ChatGPT的小伙伴都知道, 比如说你想要写篇文章, 其实你只要告诉他, 你希望这个文章里面是大概写什么的, 它就会自动帮你生成一个文本, 而且还看起来非常像是人写出来的. Therefore Aigiarism is directly committing an offense to academic integrity. 大部分学术界的担心都是它会破坏academic integrity, 一般被翻译成学术诚信, 学术诚信的反面就是academic misconduct, 学术不端. Now with the rise of AI tools like text generators, things have gotten to a more complex level where the line between Aigiarism and original content has become blurred. 学术剽窃或者学术查重这些词一直都存在, 但是现在有了AI强有力的工具, 怎么界定Aigiarism就变得很复杂. Because AI generated text can often mimic human writing styles and create articles, essays, and even books that are difficult to distinguish from human written work. 这是因为随着技术的进步, 由AI生成的文本, 比如说ChatGPT它生成的文本就可以很好地模仿真人写作的风格, 让一般人很难去判定这个到底是AI写的还是人写的. And this has led to new moral and legal problems for authors, publishers, and content creators who are trying to protect their intellectual property in a time when AI technology is changing and developing super fast. 所以这就也让作者、出版商, 包括像我这样的内容主都面临着如何保护自己的intellectual property知识产权这样的一个问题. These worries are pretty fair because originality and academic integrity are foundational standards, not just in the academic world, but in content creation in general. 其实这种忧患并不是空穴来风, 因为不光是学术界, 只要涉及原创内容的出产, 那么originality原创性和academic integrity学术诚信都是基石一样的东西.