

2023-06-25    11'30''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】 Hi, Brad. Hey, Lulu. So what topic are we going to talk about today? I thought we talk about like action figures, figures and models. Action figures, figures and models, 比如说模型、人型、人偶、手办这一类的是吧? Now I know when you mention this to a lot of people, if they don't know anything about this, they would be like, those are for kids, you're grown up. These aren't just for kids, the models are for everyone. Yeah. So, first of all, let's talk about the basics. Are we just talking about models for I don't know like a character in the movie or in an anime? Not just like an action figure of like a character from them, but there's a lot of different types. There's models of characters, models of cars, models of machines that actual things that will move. You can buy like models to put together like that replicate a car engine. There's models just like could be just about anything. Can I just clarify a word, a phrase, action figures, what does it actually mean, action figures? Action figure is a figure that moves that has some sort of action. Now, not all action figures will move on their own. In fact most don't, but some will have like a button and if you push the button, they'll do an action of some sort, a punch or something or a kick. But mostly an action figure is just something that is actionable. They can move. They could have an arm joint or shoulder joint and knee joint. They can move around and be posed. So for example, if you have a Batman action figure, perhaps his arm can move, his legs can move or of that kind of idea, right? Yeah. I remember hearing in terms of these figures or action figures or models, there was one... very, very famous one called I think is that Gundam? There's a lot of other robot models and stuff, but Gundam is probably one of the most popular and there's even huge lifelike recreations of these in various cities in Japan. There is one that even moves in like, I think Yokohama (横滨), if you're really into Gundam, you can go see them in person. They're like three or four stories tall.