《词源考古研究所》-Cold shoulder可不是冷肩膀,据说90%的人都错了

《词源考古研究所》-Cold shoulder可不是冷肩膀,据说90%的人都错了

2023-07-05    06'05''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

336 1

Hi everyone, and welcome to our new mini segment It means what? 欢迎回来我们新的mini板块【词源考古研究所】 在这个板块里, 我和安澜会跟大家 分享一些非常常见的英文的词汇或者是习语, 它们背后的有趣故事. Hi, 安澜. Hi Lulu, hi everyone. So what is our word or idiom of today? Today we're gonna be looking at the idiom ‘give someone the cold shoulder’. So give someone the cold shoulder. I know this one, it means someone is giving you sort of like a hostile attitude, like treating you with hostility. But it's not kind of like hostile as in shouting at you. It's more about ignoring someone. 就是冷落你的感觉. So you ignore them, you don't acknowledge them, you don't welcome them. You give them the cold shoulder. I often find this expression quite strange because I'm always imagining someone is trying to use his shoulder to sort of like push me out of the door that imagery. No, don't be stupid. It's nothing to do with a person's shoulder. So it's not a human shoulder. No, it actually comes from medieval table manners. Ok, 是餐桌礼仪的一部分, 就中世纪的时候, ok. What would happen is when the meals come into an end, and the host wanted everyone to leave, they would hint it was time to leave by serving cold slices of pork or beef shoulder. Hang on a minute.