

2023-08-08    12'53''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi everyone, and welcome back to Global Village, 欢迎回来《小酒馆·大世界》. We have in our studio, our old friend Simon from New Zealand again, hi, Simon. Hey Kia Ora. 你好。 Kia Ora. So previous time we were talking about disaster relief, obviously you guys just been through a cyclone. Then you mentioned how the community came together and then to help out people who were running out of supply in a disaster that just sounds super nice. I just thought that we can explore the topic of community a little bit more. What do you think? Sure, sounds great. So like I said, if you didn't listen to the previous episode, Simon is a pillar in the community, as they say in English. Simon应该属于这个community的领袖人物, 因为既是business owner, 也是相当于等一下让Simon自己说他有各种各样的role. First of all, before we go into the topic itself, Simon, could you give us a general background of your roles right now, like your identity, I know you own your business or businesses, you have multiple business there. But what else, what other roles do you have in the community? Sure. So I'm a bit hyperactive when it comes to businesses. So my main business is a consulting company. I work with New Zealand local councils, local governments. I manage their international partnerships. For example, in China like a foreign affairs office in a local government, 外办, New Zealand, local governments usually do not have 外办. So my company provides that service. We also own a small trading company, so we export various products mostly to China, but also the wider East Asia. And we have a small school teaching migrants that live in New Zealand. And hopefully from next month onwards we will also be attracting international students. Aside from this, wow, I don't sleep much. Just let me quickly cut in. And 酒馆, we are hoping to build some collaborations or cooperation with Simon's business as well. So in the future, we might also connect with Simon in our live stream so that we can see more of New Zealand. But do continue you just finished about your business roles. What are the roles you have? So aside from the business, I am the executive director for the Korea, New Zealand business council, which is a partially government funded organization and we assist New Zealand businesses that are wanting to export, to trade with South Korea. If I remember correctly, Simon, you speak Korean right, fluently or adequately? Yeah, conversational Korean. It's okay, it's enough to get myself in trouble. (Simon showing off his Korean-kidding)