Hi everyone, and welcome back to Britain Under The Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】Hi, 安澜.
Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone.
So 安澜, usually you would propose the topic, today let me propose one.
Okay, that sounds rather dangerous.
I think it's something that you do have some knowledge of, not a lot, but some knowledge of.
Let's talk about fashion and clothing in the UK.
You are right. I don't have much knowledge on that at all.
But I can vouch for 安澜, I think he's got a pretty good sense of style.
Oh, thank you.
Now first things first, when people think of your fashion or clothing in the UK, I think perhaps a lot of our Chinese listeners would have certain stereotypes from old movies, period dramas, like Downtown Abbey for example.
Yeah, there's a lot… I've noticed as well like for example when I buy clothes on 淘宝, it would say things like London style or kind of English style clothes, and I look at them and think well, yes, they were English style clothes but when my grandad was alive.
I see, well, but retro, vintage.
So first things first, let's start with the fact that you don't really have “national dress”. Right?Like for us, you think about 旗袍 or for Japanese you think about kimono.
Yeah, UK doesn't really have a national dress. Generally, the clothes that we wear are very similar to the clothes that worn in other parts of Europe, and also in America.
Did you guys invent like suit就整个那种西服套装是…
Yeah, we did.
So obviously everyone knows a suit and many of our listeners probably own maybe one or two if not more suits.
Originally it was a British invention, it was invented in the 18th century because before then people would dress in very colorful clothes, very intricate clothes you know that required lots layers, but actually a really famous British dandy called “Beau” Brummel invented a suit where the focus was it's gotta be simple, elegant, and how you show how rich you are or how wealthy you are is by the use of the fabric, it’s by the use of the quality.