

2023-08-27    14'59''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Welcome back to Geek Time advance, this is Brad. Hello, lulu. Hi Brad. So we're gonna continue on talking a little bit more about web3.0, it's a kind of a difficult subject, but we'll try to make it as easy as possible. One thing you can kind of consider with decentralization is we’re cutting out intermediaries, we’re preventing people from being in the middle as much as possible. So basically with web3.0, each individual like us, we will have more of a say as to how our data is used and what kind of data we can access. Right. So rather than having someone with a centralized website, they can have a website, they can put out information, but it will be much harder for them to control your data or get your information, because they are not gonna have a server that holds all of that. And the way you can kind of look at it is we have the cost of the internet and part of the cost of the internet is that we have ISPs, the internet service providers, they charge you to use the internet. But then there is the cost for all of these servers, and we need place to store all the information, but we may not necessarily have to with web3.0 because everyone can donate their processing power as a way to process the internet, so rather than having single servers that are like costing money, people can donate or rather than... I say donate rather than pay money to use the internet. You can give your processing power as part of the payment. So your personal computer becomes a member of the so called block chain processing. Right, just like you could do Bitcoin mining or something like that, rather than do Bitcoin mining, you're doing web3.0 processing. I see, so it's kind of like you said donating your… not donating, but it's like a trade off, so what you give is your computers processing power allow your computer to become a member of the block chain processing and in return you get sort of like data usage for example, the access to data and internet use.