

2023-09-03    10'24''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ o Money doesn’t mean that you are posh. ▪ Posh people generally dress in tweed, wellington boots and shabby clothes – nothing to prove! o Only a quarter of the people actually want to be posh. ▪ Many people in the UK see posh people as spoilt, snobbish and entitled. Seen as old-fashioned and pretentious. ▪ British people don’t like people who try to pretend to be posh by showing off their wealth and being fake. • Posh words o Loo (instead of toilet) o Supper o Marvellous o Terribly o Gosh Actually I do wanna say something. You mentioned like posh accents before and everybody's saying in Britain, people can tell which class you are from just by accents. I see that in this you didn't really mention accents. So is accent really a sign of whether you're posh or not. To a certain extent, yeah. Accents really do show where you come from. So in the UK sometimes people say that I've got a bit of a posh accent. I don't have a typical accent from where I grew up, but that's mostly because I’ve lived in China for years and years and years and also been a teacher. I don't think you've got a posh accent, people who say 安澜 has got a posh accent, you really haven't heard a real posh accent. No, that is very exaggerated. However we did explain before, right? Even the real posh people, the old money people nowadays, sometimes they try to tone down their posh accents. Mockney. They actually try to talk common people accent.  Yeah, because nowadays only 1/4 of the people who were actually interviewed in this survey actually want to be posh. To be honest, it's not that difficult to understand that because we're not just talking about money, right, later on we're gonna talk about money doesn't mean that you're posh. It's not really about money and enjoyment, is mostly about rules. A lot of this they are privileges, but also attached to many rules you can’t just be running around like other kids and doing all this random things, you probably have a lot of family rules to follow. More partly yeah. I would say it is changing a lot.  And to be honest, I would say that being posh is now more of a sign of identity. It's not I would say as it was maybe 50 years ago, certainly not a hundred years ago when being posh meant that yes you had to go... you went to the best schools therefore you got the best jobs you would probably in government. Actually, they probably didn't even have jobs think about Downton Abbey. Yeah, exactly. The idea of job and weekends is very middle class. Yeah, they just had lands to inherit, castles, and so manor houses, exactly, to inherit and family coat of arms, heirlooms.  I've met posh people in my life and…