

2023-09-14    12'12''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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Cult 可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek time. 欢迎回到Geek时间。Welcome back to the studio, Brad. Thank you. Today we are going to talk about something equally niche. We’re gonna talk about cult. Indeed. 就是邪教了。You know cult I guess in any culture in any country is kind of a taboo topic, isn't it? It can be. Especially like if you know someone who was part of cult because that's when you see someone going through the process of getting into a cult, it kind of like can destroy a whole family. It's something very serious and it can potentially be very, very dark. First of all, let's talk about the definition of cult. What is a cult? Usually a cult is a group of people that follow a leader or some sort of ideology. It might be some sort of idol as in like a thing. 一个领袖或者一种理念。 And they are usually just families joining, or individuals join... Sometimes it's families, but often time it's like a group of people will follow an enigmatic person. I think cults based on my very limited understanding of cults, the reason why there are cults is because they hurt people. They are destructive. Oftentimes they are, and it's something you see after the cult becomes much much bigger, you don't see it in the early stages because if you were to do something like that, people are obviously going to quit. But once you have a cult established and you have these followers, then in order to keep people from going somewhere else, you might hurt them in order to get them to not leave. So a lot of it is to attract them first, and then once they build up some sort of loyalty or fear to the leader and then it's destructive. Right. It's some sort of dependence on them oftentimes like a cult will get someone to sell off all their possessions or like hand over the money, or if you have a house, you sign over your house to the cult leader, so then you have nowhere to go, you have that home and you can live there so long as the cult allows it. It seems like a lot of the cults across the globe seem to believe that the world is going to end and then just believing in that cult is the only way to save yourself. Right. It's either the cult is you're going to save yourself by being in this cult or that they as a cult are going to be the thing that saves the world. 这种所谓的末日邪教doomsday cults. But we talked about secret societies before. What are the differences? It sounds somewhat similar - it’s secretive with a small group of people. Well, like a secret society can be kind of a subset of cult in some ways they have the, usually it’s an ideology rather than like an individual person. Like in a secret society, you may not know who the cult leader is. It may change from area to area and it might be like a group of cults over a large area. So they don't worship any particular leaders. Secret societies are more connected by an idea. Yeah, an idea or some sort of idol. And in most cases, there can be like secret societies that are akin to a cult in the fact that they have a leader who's controlling everything, but secret societies tend not to have such a limited nature. I mean when you're back in the states, like growing up, did you have any run ins or have ever heard about cults in like your social circle? In fact, I did. I've known several people who have been in different types of cults, it's actually when I was just after high school, one of my friends who I worked with actually, he got fired, he lost his job, his wife divorced him. And then he kind of joined this cult, inside of the cult the leader said that he could read other peoples’ previous life so it was like this reincarnation cult. 这种重生转世。 And why would people believe him?