

2023-11-23    12'33''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜. Hi Lulu, hi everyone. So 安澜, one of the other episodes we talked about British people being sarcastic usually saying words with a hidden meaning. Oh, yeah. But I've noticed another quality of British people… Okay. which I see again in you a lot. Don't worry, It's a good thing! The understatement, so like the modesty, 英国人很喜欢自谦, 甚至是自我嘲讽. 安澜is a typical example. So if one day he's done something great, if he has made some sort of achievement, if I say congratulations, that's such a job well done. 安澜would give me some joke, some self-deprecating humor就是那种自嘲或者自我贬损的这种幽默. And that I've come to know that is not just you, that is actually a quality of British people. Yeah, I would say British people like making jokes about themselves. Even as a country when we display our country or we present our country to the rest of the world, we also still use lots of self-deprecating humor even though it was years ago now. But I think one of the best examples is the Olympics that were held in London over 10 years ago and the opening and closing ceremonies. It was filled with jokes. It was filled with jokes about England, and it was filled with jokes about the UK. I think this is something cross-culturally, it's quite difficult to understand, especially for Chinese because we focus a lot on national pride. Yeah, we can complain about our country, but it's rather unthinkable for a lot of people to make fun of ourselves in that way. Again, this is no judgment not saying which side is good or bad. But I've really noticed in the UK this ability to laugh at yourself and not to take yourself too seriously. That's true. I would say British people we like to laugh at ourselves, we don't really take ourselves too seriously. And it seems as a good thing. It's not seen as a negative. It doesn't mean that we have low self-esteem. Is the country, isn't it? Is the country. It's our culture where being seen as modest and humorous are seen as positive traits. They're seen as virtues.