In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Hustle Culture.
之前我们说到过一个带hustle 的buzzword叫做Side Hustle副业. But today's Hustle Culture is different.
You may not have heard of this word before, but you have definitely experienced hustle culture. So hustle culture describes a common, modern workplace environment that emphasizes hard work and long hours as the key to success.
是不是听起来很熟悉?这个Hustle culture就是指的这么一种现代的职场文化, 它的重点就是hard work and long hours,要取得成功, 你就必须要拼命的工作, 用高强度不断加班这样子的去“卷”才能够获取成功.
Hustle culture可以翻译成“搏命文化”, “鸡血文化”或者你直接就说卷的文化.
It's become increasingly popular in recent years. With many companies encouraging their employees to put in extra effort and work hours for better results.
其实这个Hustle Culture还真不是只有咱们这儿有, 要不然英语里也不会出现这个词了.
Let's dive into the word a little bit more, what exactly is this Hustle Culture?
Well, this hustle culture places an intense focus on productivity, ambition, and success.
它所关注的重点就是productivity生产力, ambition野心,和成功success.
With little regard for rest, self-care, or any sense of work-life balance. 至于什么休息, 自我关怀或者什么所谓的work-life balance, 工作生活的平衡, 统统都不在意.
Now this lifestyle has become increasingly popular in recent years as people strive to achieve their professional goals faster and more efficiently.
Despite its popularity though, this mindset has been linked to mental health concerns, like increased anxiety, stress and depression, which we're gonna talk about later.
But first of all, you might ask why is hustle culture glorified if it has so many problems, 既然它听起来就有很多问题, 那么为什么它会被吹捧呢?