The other word that I often hear is booty. What is booty? B-o-o-t-y.
That means the same as loot.
But normally we use it when we talk about pirate booty, so it's the whole idea you got a massive treasure chest filled with gold and silver and precious stones. Normally we would say that's pirate booty.
This could only really happen like, I guess back then when ships were transferring these precious metals, and nowadays there are no precious metals on the ships.
You don't know, there's actually quite a few ships that get robbed by piracy. So you think of all those container ships around the world.
Oh. Perhaps, yes.
And at least these Spanish galleons they had cannon. I can't think of many container ships having a cannon on board.
And also pirate ships that strike me as very hierarchical, because they're completely men, right? And men at sea and with no laws and whatever.
Well. You say that there were actually a few female pirates as well.
How does that work? I would think, yeah, I can't imagine that.
It is true.
It must be badass women.
There're some great stories which we don't really have time to go into, but if you're interested, I would say it's only worth having a look at.
Yeah. But basically these pirates and also sometimes is that the word mutiny?
Sometimes like if the leader is not strong enough and that people want to rebel against him, then there's a mutiny就是会像兵变一样的.
Yeah. So we can talk about a mutiny on a ship. We can also talk about a mutiny in the army, so it's when the sailors or the soldiers decide that their commander is not good enough.
So the most famous example is also around this time. And it's called Mutiny on the Bounty.
On the Bounty?
The Bounty was a famous ship and the mutineers, in the end, they just went to a small island in the pacific, and there's actually an island in the pacific which their descendants still live on.
I see. Nowadays do people still believe that there is some hidden treasure somewhere on these little islands, small islands?
That is a common stereotype that pirates will always bury their treasure, but to be honest, why would they, let's be honest.
They will probably have spent it.
Exactly. If you're a pirate, you spend a lot of time and effort to steal the treasure. Why would you then bury it?
But having said that, there are stories of famous shipwrecks in the Caribbean, and people are still searching for these shipwrecks.
哦,就沉船的那个残骸。Maybe there is some pirate booty or pirate loot.
There are a few ships wrecks that they say though billions of dollars’ worth of gold and silver under the sea.
Wow, certainly something to think about.
But one thing I have noticed up till now, though we were talking about a lot of these like booty things, pieces of eight, it just sounds very lingo, like jargony.
听上去就像行话、黑话这种. I know that pirate language is a completely different category like what 安澜 mentioned in the very beginning, says Ahoy matey or like Arghh.
Let's talk about pirate language.
Yeah, so if you watch anything about pirates, you probably hear these expressions. So, “shiver my timbers”.
shiver my timbers. Shiver is 颤抖,shake.
Yeah. Break into pieces.
Oh. So it's, how do we use it?
It's a bit like saying “oh, my god!”.
You scare me that sorts of thing…