[图片]Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来极客时间. Hi, Brad.
So what are we going to talk about today?
Have you ever seen the pyramids?
The pyramids金字塔吗? I haven't really been to Egypt. I always wanted to go.
Pyramids aren't only in Egypt. They're all over the world. Have you been to like Mexico, maybe?
Yeah. In that case, I have seen pyramids actually. Thanks for reminding me. I've seen pyramids in Mexico.
Yeah, a lot of times when mentioned the pyramids, people think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, but there have been pyramids all over the world, which makes people really think that there is something else going on here. There's pyramids in Sudan, Mexico, Italy, Peru, not just Africa, but in like South America as well, which is a whole another world away.
But they're all slightly different. I mean, obviously we're more probably,our audience are more familiar with the pyramids in Egypt, which is pointy at the top, but like the pyramids in South America, in Central America, like Mexico. I went to Teotihuacán and the pyramids there at the top is not pointy, is like a flattype.
There's...the general shape is fairly similar, but some of the aspects of the pyramids are different. It could be based on their beliefs and what they use the pyramids for, but they're all different sizes, but they all generally have the same general shape.
If you think about it, it is a mysterious thing, isn't it? If many different ancient civilizations across continents are building or were building more or less the same sort of thing. What's that about?
Yeah.It's not only just that they're very similar in shape, some of the designs, some of the decorations that they put on the pyramids are very similar. Some of the faces, some of the other additions they've made to pyramids were very similar even from Africa to South America.
So let's dive a little bit deeper into the topic of pyramids. First of all, when were they built,Egyptian ones were built like 5,000years ago?
Yeah, so according to most historians, the pyramids were built about 5,000 years ago, ancient Egypt only really emerged about 6,000 years ago. Some of the other pyramids were built about 2,000 years ago.
Recently, there has been some other pyramids found such as GÖBEKLI TEPE, which is found in Turkey.
这个叫什么哥贝克利石阵,就在土耳其发掘. That was in the 19th, right? It was discovered very very recently compared with the other things.
Right. Yeah.
So people have known about the great pyramids for a long time yet they're easily seen. GÖBEKLI TEPE was partially underground. And so a lot of people didn't even see it. It looks like it was covered up. But a lot of the things they found around the site are about 12,000 years old.
So like if those things are on top of the pyramid,and so that means the pyramid must be older than that.