

2024-06-20    14'03''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

366 1

[图片] +小助手VX 【luluxjg2】获取全文稿哦~~ Welcome back to geek time advanced. How are you doing lulu? HiBrad. I'm doing fine.So are we gonna talk about aliens and pyramids? Exactly. We talk about aliens a lot on the podcast and aliens are very interesting. And whenever there's some idea, whenever we have an idea that we don't really understand, we can easily just go to aliens. It's so convenient, isn't it? Aliens did it. Although when I was growing up, obviously learning about pyramids,all of these great ancient architectures, we generally attribute it to the wisdom of ancient people. However, there's another way to look at it. Exactly. There are people out there who truly believein the whole theory of aliens have something to do or had something to do with pyramids. Mhm. Exactly. One of the theories posits that aliens either helped people create the pyramids or forced them to create the pyramids, so they could use them as landing sites for their spacecraft. I'm sorry, that is a bit silly. If they want to use it as a landing pad, why would they just use the ground? Why would they use the pointing stuff that is like the most...I think that is the most uncomfortable way to park your spaceship on top of the Egyptian pyramid. What we can kind of get into it a little bit later with some of Tesla’sthoughts, but the shape might have been on purpose right? There might be a reason for the shape and so we'll come back to that a little bit later. But a lot of people think that theymight have been built by the aliens to be landing pads for their spaceships. Yeah,but you said they either helped or forced humans. I have something to say about that. I mean, logically, why would they help humans build that? For what reason,to what end?If they forced humans, what kind of power that they could tower over human? And if they had that level of power, why wouldn't they have just taken over earth? See, this would be my logic. There's a few theories. I think we might have talked about panspermia, but in the past, there's this idea that the aliens actually put us here. They put the humans on earth and helped us in our evolution to become to the point where we're at today. So they can use us as workers in the future. Oh, my god!Are we just a giant ant farm for the aliens? That's what some people believe.So the aliens it takes a long time to travel through the universe. So every time they come to earth, thousands of years might pass. And so people kind of forget that the fact that there are aliens out there;or if they do, they don't really believe because they haven't seen them in generations. And so it is a possibility. That is just a sad possibility. Thatremindsme of one of the episodes in Rick and Morty, like the Miniverse. So you realize your entire universe is just someone's car factory. Hahaha. That's possible. They sort of like make you work, brainwash you to work,so that by working it,by paddling something, you get so called money and live and salary. But in fact, you're just slaving away for whoever created your universe. You're just slaving away so that their car has battery. That could be, I think it's a lot less likely,but that with the pyramids and that we actually have some sort of, I wouldn't say it's evidence,because people could have easily made the pyramids. There's videos of a man who shows possible engineering techniques that people could have used. Imeanhe shows how he could move arock ahuge rock by himself,just using a few simple tools made of woodandrope. I'm very human centric. Yeah. So I still rather believe it was our ancestors, common human ancestors,that had the great wisdom,to move things,to make things,beyond we think,are theirtechnological limitations and barriers. Yeah.I don't know if we've talked about Atlantisbefore but... Oh,we should,in the future. We haven't,but we should.