[图片][图片]Hi, everyone. And welcome back to 酒馆. Hi, 安澜.
Hi, lulu. Hi, everyone.
So what are we going to talk about today?
Well, next monthI'm going on my holidays. So let's talk about travel.
Hangon a minute,you're talking about us going to Europe.
That's not really a holiday. That's like a work trip. You will get some days off.
Anywayit's going to be traveling, so even if we are going to be working some of the time, I'm sure we'll get some time off, well, hopefully,or I wanna get overtime.
You're traveling with a workaholic.We’ll see. We'll see about that. But we're more excited to show you guys around places that we go to.
Yes, we're gonna be showing you around Germany and Polandin our live streams.
If we can get the signal.
If we can get the signals, yes.
Otherwise we're gonna shoot videos and do other things and hopefully continue to live stream insome way.
In some wayor another.
So I thought maybe today we can talk abouttraveling.
Bigtopic and I know this is a topic that both of us have a lot to say about.
I absolutely love traveling, traveling for me is,I know it's meant to be a luxury but really I love travelingso much,even if I don't have much money, I would still want to spend that money on traveling.
So other people spend it on bread, you will spend it on traveling.
Yes,and hopefully I will get bread when I'm traveling.
That's a dream, isn't it?
In this whole discussion, I think it will be like a few episodes of discussion and this will cover pretty much all aspects of traveling from the desire to travel, to transport, to packing, to things we do in the destination and then also like accommodation, things to watch out for,so on and so forth. So if you're a keen traveler, you're infor treat.
Well, I would say let's start with the desire to travel.
Well, the desire to travel. I've heard of this expression, which is really funny. It's having itchy feet.
英文里如果直接把它翻译成中文就是脚痒痒. You sure that's not like a foot fungus issue.
No, it's not,having itchy feet means it's the desire that you really want to travel so you would say to people I'm really getting itchy feet,I really want to go on holiday or I really want to go traveling.
I suppose put in that context, everyone would know that you want to move.
You basically want to get out of your routine and travel and see more of the world,I've also heard of a word wonderlust which is supposed to be German,right?
Yeah, it's wonder means sort of walk around and lust is desire, so essentially is the desire to walk around. For example, if you're in a new place that desiredthat you want to go and explore everything that is a form of wonder lust.