How to save money?
Red-eye flight红眼航班
Budget airlines 廉航
·airports are far away
·hidden costs
Couch surfing 沙发冲浪 (risky)
Hitchhiking 搭顺风车 (risky)
What you can do at the destination.
Sightseeing 观光游览
Trying local food品尝当地美食
Buying souvenirs购买纪念品
Off the beaten track 另辟蹊径
City walk 城市漫步
Join a food tour 参加美食之旅
Language lessons 语言体验课
Scavenger hunt 寻宝游戏
I think that leads on to the next topic“how to save money?”.
I don't know I used to take red-eye flights.
Same here.
红眼航班, 也就是差不多12点或者半夜之后出发的航班.
I actually preferridered-eye flights...
Becauseyou can go to sleep.
I can sleep on planes now.Because I'mtraveling backs and forwards to the UKso often now that I can actually sleep on planes. So I don't like planes like during the day because you can't really sleep and it's too bright.
But when you arrive, you still have to push through, although is your bedtime.And also budget airlines I think we both did budget airlines so 廉航,those budget to the ridiculous degree that they would charge you to go to toilets.
Well, they said they were gonna do that. Thankfully they tried,thankfully they didn't. But the only thing with budget airlines is that the airports are so far away. So for example in London, one of the main budget airline airports is about 50-60 miles away from London.
So that's what,like 70 kilometers as literally in another city.
It is.
Budget airlines,and there are also hidden costs. 廉航有很多隐藏的收费.You look at the price and you think this is so cheap, but most of us will have a check-in luggage and they charge you exorbitant price with thecheck-in luggage.
Yeah. Ad if you want to select your seat, they charge you for that.And if you want to check in without a boarding card at the airport, they charge you for that.
Everything,you have to pay for everything and they're very strict about that.
So I don't really take budget airlines for longer trips just a...very like an hour and half trip.
Not more than an hour and half, but the thing with budget airlines is that you really have to kind of explore because after you pay for all of additional features, the additional baggage and things like that, a normal regular flight might still be cheaper.
And the other ways that people talk about in terms of money saving or budgeting, I think they're very risky like couch surfing, for example, that was popular for a while就是所谓的沙发客. You basically stay in someone's, let's just say spare couch. I don't really think women should do that in this day and age,it’s way too risky.
Couchsurfing, hitchhiking. They are a bit dangerous. Personally I'venever done them myself.
Don't hitchhike,like for example, if you are a woman and then you are traveling alone, definitely don't hitchhike.But if you're like, a really beefy, really big guy, you can hitchhike, but nobody's gonna take you.
Exactly. They're gonna think that you're gonna be a murderer or something like that.
Exactly. So either way搭顺风车这个事情, 其实大家有时候在电影电视里面看到, 但是真的...OK,some of you might have had the experience and said you had a lovely experience, you met wonderful people. But that could just be because you're extremely lucky.
It could be.