

2024-08-22    15'18''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ [图片][图片] Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来《闲话英伦》. Hi安澜, what are we going to talk about today? Hi, 璐璐. What's going on? So hot!I can't take this heat anymore. I think the heat in Wuhan is getting to 安澜.But tell you what, how about I get you a cold drink and we talk about Britishsummer drinks? That sounds like a very good idea. Ok, 所以今天我们就来聊聊这些英国人常喝的summer drinks, 就是听起来就很夏天的这种. 我们说饮料其实 they're all alcoholic. Well, yeah. This is not an episode for kids. This is an episode for the parents or the big kids. Yep.First of all, if you ask me about the quintessential Britishdrinks, I would say GT. Gin and Tonic. Gin and Tonic金汤力.Whichever bar or even just cafe converted into a bar place you go to, you definitely, definitely, definitely will see this classic drink.In London, they just call itGT, right? Exactly. Because it's a classic cocktail,because it's so easy to make. You say it's a cocktail, it's just a mixed drink, really, itdoesn't take any skill. It doesn't use any skill. All you have to do is get some gin, tonic water and lime or lemon. That's it. But because I know,although we're called 酒馆, I'mpretty sure some of our fans, some of our listeners, they are not drinkers, they don't really drink alcohol. So, let's explain what this is. Ginis translated into金酒,琴酒,或者什么杜松子酒,更早的翻译 that gin is a very, very Britishthing, isn't it? Not really. Gin was actually created in Holland. I did not know that.I thought gin,because you see LondonDry Gin or like the original Gin, you think gin must be a Londonthing. No, it was first invented in 17th century in the Netherlands, but it became very popular in the 18th century and it was so cheapthat what it’s known as the Gin Craze made many Britishpeople completely alcoholic. Yeah,blame the drink. Because you could buy pints of Gin.And people, particularly poorer people, poorer women would actually drink lots and lots of gin. Even nowadays the basic Gin really is not very expensive. Imean,you can check it online like for example, LondonDry Gin, they are very basic brand. It's relatively affordable. And that's after taxes. So you can imagine how cheap it was to create and how much gin you could get. Now for those of you who are non drinkers, you probably read the word Gin in some of the Britishliterature. I wouldn’tsay where, just Englishliterature. Then I would not recommend you to drink it but at least smell it. It has a very distinctive smell. Iactually really love the gin smell. Yeah, I really like GinTonic, but it always had a bit of a reputation. So we talked about Bathtub Gin. ("Bathtub gin" 是一种在禁酒令时期(1920-1933年)在美国出现的高度酒精饮料,其名称来源于家庭酿酒者将大容量的酒精容器存放在浴缸中,以便添加水和其他成分来稀释和调味 。这种自行制作的酒精饮料通常使用廉价的谷物酒精,通过添加杜松子等植物来赋予其味道,但质量参差不齐,有时可能存在安全隐患 。 而 "toilet wine" 或 "prison hooch" 通常是指在监狱中非法制作的酒精饮料,由于缺乏适当的设备和原料,囚犯们会使用任何可用的甜味水果、面包或糖,以及酵母或面包来发酵制作酒精。这种饮料可能隐藏在厕所的水箱中进行发酵,因此得名 "toilet wine" 。然而,这种自制酒精饮料可能存在健康风险,包括肉毒杆菌中毒 。)