

2024-09-12    09'00''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ [图片] Hieveryone,and welcome to our fun segment called It Means What? Hello, 安澜. Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone. 欢迎回来这个非常有意思的小版块词《源考古研究所》where we talk about interesting origin stories of words, phrases and idioms. So 安澜, what is the word or the phrase for today? I don't know what are we gonna do. I ...I don't know, I really just don't know. Stoppanicking. There we go. So that was all an act because you do that so often...? Partly, yes. 所以我们今天要讨论的就是panic这个词是吗? Yes. Panic是恐慌的意思. It's already a very, very short word. It's p-a-n-i-c, Ididn't realize there is an origin story. Yes, there is. It comes from Greek mythology. 希腊神话。Who are we talking about? We'retalking about the Greek God Pan. Ishethe one with like this weird...half animal. Yes. 潘神可能有的小伙伴在什么游戏或者说电影里面看到过这个Greek God Pan. He's not like a major god, he's like a minorGod. He's a god of nature who lives in the woods. So he's not a particularly important god. He's one of these spirits or gods that just live in forests and woods. It's kind of like a demigod 他不是major god, 不是那种主神, 就是古希腊神话里面的主神, 但它是属于有点类似于spirit,and a god of nature and the wild. Yes,soaccording to the myths, Pan's voice was so powerful that even scared the gods themselves. So when people and gods and animals heard his voice, it cause them to panic. Yeah, I'veheard of another story saying that it was like a tale of war when Pan sort of helped his friend by letting out a shriek...a shrieking sound that sort of scared away his friend’s enemies. Yeah, so cause people to panic. 其实panic就是从潘神这里出来的一个名词, 就是说it's kind of like affected by Pan. So for example, you can say something causes panic or someone is panicking. Yeah, in that sense it can also be used as a verb, forexample, 安澜 likes to panic. Yes, that istrue.