

2024-09-19    11'54''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~[图片][图片] The church was empty except for the three people I’d followed and a clergyman. They were all standing in front of the altar, and the clergyman seemed to be arguing with them. I walked slowly up the side aisle, pretending to be an ordinary churchgoer. To my surprise, the three people at the altar turned to look at me. Then Godfrey Norton came running over." “‘Thank heavens!’ he exclaimed. ‘You’re just in time. Could you come with me for a moment?’ ‘Why?’ I asked. ‘Just come along,’ he said impatiently. ‘We only need you for three minutes, or it won’t be official.’ I was pulled to the altar, and before I knew it, I was mumbling responses and swearing to things I didn’t understand, all while helping with the quick marriage of Irene Adler and Godfrey Norton.” “You were a witness to their marriage?” I asked, laughing. “How unusual!” “Indeed!” Holmes agreed. “The clergyman wouldn’t marry them without a witness. My lucky timing saved the bridegroom from having to find someone else on the street. In just a few minutes, it was all done. I stood there in my dirty stableman’s clothes while the bride and groom thanked me. It was the oddest situation I’ve ever been in. That’s what made me laugh just now.” Holmes pulled a gold coin from his pocket. “The bride gave me this as a thank you. I’ll wear it on my watch chain to remember today.” “And what did you do next?” I asked. “My biggest worry was that they might leave for their honeymoon right away, which would ruin my plans. But at the church door, they went separate ways—he went back to work, and she went home. She said, ‘I’ll drive out in the park at five as usual.’ So I came back here to get ready.” “What are your plans?” “Just some cold beef sandwiches and lemonade,” he said, calling Mrs. Hudson. “I’ve been too busy to eat, and I’ll be even busier tonight. By the way, I’ll need your help.” “I’d be happy to.”