In today's buzzword mix, our buzzword is Boysober.
Now you probably can guess this is another one of these new trends on social media.
First of all, let's take this new word apart, boy and sober.
You knowthe word boy, but what does sober mean?
The original meaning of sober is staying away from alcohol. For example, if you say I'm sober, that means you didn't drink any alcohol.
Sober这个词本身的意思它指的是清醒的, 通常是在我们说不喝酒的情况下.
So for example, if I normally drink, but then I decide not to drink for a month, then I can say I want to stay sober for this month while it's perfectly acceptable among drinkers to take a break from the booze and go sober for a while.
Now there is a movement on social media about going“boysober”. This movement began by American comedian Hope Woodard,she coined a phrase-going “boysober”.
这是由美国的一个喜剧演员在社媒上带火的一个概念, 叫做boysober.
It then has expanded into a social media movement, especially among Gen Zwomen on TikTok.
You probably can guess based on the word itself, the movement isabout keeping your twenties untainted bytoxic dating habitsand roundabout relationships.
So essentially, you stay away from relationships, dating and all of these,stay away from boys and stay sober. 这个词被国内的社媒新媒体翻译成“戒男色”.
So in this comedian’s words, it’s about removing the “fake sense of validation that we get from dating andsituationshipsand sleeping around, and refocusing that energy”.
Boysober的意义在于说是不用从约会或者是这种什么situationships就是友人以上恋人未满或者sleeping around那些暧昧关系里面, 就是说不用从这些关系里面去获取所谓的这种validation被别人认可的感觉.
And refocusing that energy on yourself on other aspects of your life.
The reason why she used the word sober is perhaps just as people might want to stabilize after a period of riding the highs and lows of drunkenness and hangovers, there's someone going boysobermight want to purge themselves of the bad aspects of dating.
之所以会用sober这个词, 可能说想要借酒精保持清醒的人, 是因为已经受够了这种drunkenness and hangovers, 宿醉或者喝醉的感觉.
People going boysober, they want to get rid of all these bad aspects of dating, for example, being at the mercy of someone's mood swings or experiencing any of these dating roller coasters.
Boysober也是因为有一些人, 特别是女生受够了这种情感关系里面的这些, 比如说忽冷忽热的各种PUA这种负面感受.